The Alliance Times-Herald from Alliance, Nebraska (2024)

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The Alliance Times-Heraldi

Alliance, Nebraska

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TWELVE THE ALLIANCE (NEB) DAILY TIMES-HERALP THURSDAY JUNE 7 1956 FUNERAL Harrison Man To Fremont For Methodist Ordination Sunday with these WONDERFUL IY MRS ALICE MOODY i accompanied them home and will IIiAIMUlSON (T-IBNS) Mr and spend the summer here with rel- Mrs Keitli Bruning and Clyde Stives Gallaway are attending the Ne-j Dean Lundy Scott Richard Ken-braska Methodist Conference in neth Serres Leaonrd Hojward and FeiD NITS! Wm Fremont this week Bruning will be ordained into the ministry on Sunday and Gallaway is the lay delegate to the meeting Arthur From the lay leader will be in charge of the services at the Methodist Church Sunday morning Sunday school and morning worship will be held at the usual time of 10 and 9 am respectively Charles Murnby who attended the University Qf Colorado in Boulder the past year has returned home to spend the summer with his parents Mr and Mrs Mumtoy Their other son Keith a law student at the University bf Colorado will return home Friday Allen Ellicott are attending the Future Farmers of America summer camp at Fullerton this week Serres plans to stay an additional week and the others will return home Sunday Mrs Earl Heckert of Sturgis visited her daughter and family Mr and Mrs Leonard Sehkefer recently Miss Dallas Hunt of Lincoln was a weekend guest at the Powell home Mr and Mrs Marvin Yatfs and daughter formerly of St Louis Mo and Mr and Mrs tlValter I Meier Sr were Sunday guests of the Warren Robertson family in VanTassell Wyo Guests at the Dunlap home! FOOD BARGAINS GALORE Plus Full Amount Of Green Stamps ONLY At The GOLDEN RULE MARKET IN ALLIANCE and next Tuesday will be married Prices Effective Friday and Saturday Jane 89 to Miss Jean Perrin in Alliance (Mr and Mrs Pbwell and recently for the birthday anpiver- Mrs Jennie Bourret TorrimyPaw- Mrs w0 an( Dunlap ell and Ivan Liljegren all of Sid- Best i rr Mrs Chester Dunlap and family np were roewt gocsb fit the and wbur of Craw owe ome ford Mr and Mrs Oliver Dunlap Rabekahs to Crawford and Miss Freda Dunlap of Scott s-' Mmes Edna Wer Jessie Wolff jjluifif Mrs Alma Hollibaugh and) Glen Kreman all of Glen Orville Mr ancj Mrs Kenneth Hollibaugh of Fox Ernest Pullen and Thelma Marsland and Mr and Mrs Nelson Leeling and Miss Cleo Bigelow at- Engeibretsen Values All Ways Grassfed Beef THREE "HIROSHIMA MAIDENS" among the contingent undergoing plastic surgery in the US attend funeral for one of their number Tomoko Nakabayshi 25 who died of a heart attack just after her third operation The Japanese girls were disfigured in the atom bombing of Hiroshima International SoundphotoJ tended the 44th annual district 13 Mrs Lillian Dobesh of Mason 70 assembly of the Rebekah Lodge in Mrs Kathryn co*ckrell of Crawford recently Mrs Wertz Calif and Mrs Round Steak 53 Choice Cornfed STEAKS Mirage Flats People Attend Semorska-Huerta Wedding tn Lb 33 Roasts 5 I Sacramento Harris of Los Angeles Calif weekend guests of their George Lambert at the ranch home' of Mrs Mary Cross Mrs Harris' is staying with her father who is seriously ill Mrs Marcella Henry and were recent guests at the Bowers home in Douglas Home From Army Philip Bruce BY MRS BREDENKAMP mirage Flats (T-HNS) Miss jellio Semorska and Conrad Huer- TRIMMED Ground Beef 25 ta were married at St Catholic Church in Chadron on Sirloins T-Bones or Short Cats Rib Steaks lb 79c lb 95c 65c i 0 Ground Round 45 -r Pat Broderick with the Army in May 30- Among those from Mir-Ft Lewis Wash is spending a age Flats attending were Messrs 18-day furlough with his parents I and Mmes Carl Andreasen James Mr and Mrs John Broderick and! Fowler Harmon Smith Maurice family jBayless nd Mmes Edgar Chris- Mrs Thelma Leeling acconpani- toffersen' Geral( a ed her son and wife Mr and Mrs Roy Leeling to Denver Colo where she will be their guest for Ainslie and Norman Stauffer Mrs Joe Shaughnessy entertained members of the Sacred Heart Grade A Fresh Altar Society recently Plans were made for a bake sale to be Mrs Sara Startfieid and daughien July 3 at the Hay Springs of Troutdale Ore is a guest Hardware Mrs Pete Sherlock is a part of the summer Lb 45c Mrs new member Refreshments were served Mrs Vic Hermansen and Mrs I Merle Stalsworth children of served as district treasurer the past year and Mrs Fox was appointed district marshall for the coming year Hemingford will be host to the district assembly next yearMrs Celestia Kauffman of Cozad state assembly president was a special guest at the Crawford meeting Larry Helme is visiting his mother and her husband Mr and Mrs Roy West Helme recently arrived at Norfolk Va on the Albany after a Mediterranean tour of duty aboard ship Reed and daughter Barbara and Jane Thiesdell of Lincoln were weekend guests at the Whiteaker home Mr and Mrs LeRoy Mbrava and family of Edgemont were recent guests of her parents Mr and Mrs A1 Hourt The Jerry Rosses of Scottsbluff were additional weekend guests Mr and Mrs Dennis Johnson and family of Morrill were Sunday guests at the Henry DeBock home Bob Koch of Plainview spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Luther Koch Work In Wyoming Donald Whiteaker and Larry and James Bourret left for Jackson Wyo Sunday where they will be employed in construction work this summer Mr and Mrs Ed Laettner and sons of Randalia la were recent guests of her mother Mrs Fred Davisson Mr and Mrs Leonard Schaefer and daughters were Sunday guests at the Marvin Wohlers home Recent guests at the Walter Meier Sr home were Mir and Mrs Marvin Yates and daughter Sandy The Yates family were enroute to San Diego Calif to make their home Catechism vacation school at the Church of Nativity was concluded SWIFTS SLICED BACON 25s I her grandparents Mr and John Davis and the Wendell and Ted Davis families Mr and Mrs' Kenneth Osback and Toby of Casper Wyo wekend guests at the John Hermafisen home They were erick home honor guests at a picnic Sunday at Mrs Raymond Larsen and Miss Hermansen grove Margery Hawroth attended com- Guets of Thorsons mencement exercises at the Um-j Recent guests at Len Xhor versity of Wyoming in Laramie reD3on home were Mr and Mrs Ed-cently They were guests of the Robert Grapes family Mr Grapes a member of the graduating class ward Cressy and Miss Glada Thompson all of Morrill Messrs and Mmes Pfeifer of Scotts Sliced Pork Smoked it LIVER Lb HAM KNUCKLES lb 15e Clyde Fresh All Meat Home Made All Pork SAUSAGE RING BOLOGNA Lb Lb has accepted a position as petroleum engineer with an oil firm ihjon and Gene Tlijplet and fam Louisiana ily of Sidney Mr and Mrs William Pov ell and Wilt)Ur Cornish and Rodney son and Mrs Jennie Bourret of Lineback helped Roy Whiting and Sidney were recent guests at the Powell home Russell Speer brand and tertained in honor of her twin daughters Christi Anna and Mary Ann on their fifth birthday anniversary Guests were Joan Terrell Linda and Tomky Whitney Roy Lee and David Eaton Sharon and Shirley Stone and Patty Mike and Dannie Ray Members of the Carl Jungck Paul Lipp Kenneth Peck and Harold Ball families attended the 4-H swine club meeting and picnic recently at the Joe Schneider home Mr and Mrs Harshfield of Newcastle Wyo and Mr and MrsRonald Reidler of Chadron were recent guests at the Ray Housh home Carl Thorson returned to his home in Mitchell Saturday after spending several days at the Len Thorson home Mrs Everett Rincker and children recently visited at the James DeBoer home in Morrill Mr and Mrs Norman Stouffer and children spent Sunday at the Dickinson home in Mel beta Guests from Montana Mr and Mrs Stephens and family of Great Falls Mont arrived Saturday at the Maurice Bayless home Additional Sunday guests were Knowlton and the Jonnie Martinez family of Tor-rington Wyo Mrs Harmon Smith was a recent patient at St Hospital in Alliance Mr and Mrs Lawrence Pieper were recent guests of Dr and Mrs A DeCastro for dinner The occasion was in observance of Dr and Mrs wedding anniversary Jensens Entertain Mr and Mrs Larry Jensen entertained at a party Sunday evening Guests were Messrs and Mmes Robert Rutten Alvern Letcher Deane Jense Earl DeCastro Gerard Heiting Roger Richardson and Gerald Letcher Mrs Dale Scarborough of Lincoln is visiting relatives here Mr and Mrs Athel Fuller and Dana spent a few days recently at Elgin Recent supper guests at Einer Jensen home were Messrs and Mmes Dick Heiting Pete Hee-sacker Mild Housh Herluf Laur-sen and Mrs Dale Scarborough Donald Murray attended the wedding Saturday of Miss Joan Konrath and Richard Serbousek at St Catholic Church in Chadron vaccinate calves recently Hank Latimer has been dismis- Sweet Clover BUTTER lb Mrs Marcella Henry and Mrs 64 Dean Lundy are attending an ele- from the Rushville Commun-mentary teachers worship session at the University of Wyoming this ity Hospital Mrs Lester Skeen and children were recent guests of Mrs Doro- Pet or Carnation I Tall Cans 25 for week Mr POTATOES White Gems and Mrs Louis Daigger are- Cooper in Lyman the parents of a son Dean Ma ancj yrs Lewis Eaton are Cartons lb 2 born May 30 at a Grant Hospital thp ts of a son Bill Allarl) Grandmothers are Mrs Mary Dai- bQrn June 2 at Rushville Commu-fand Hospital Fifth Birthday Mrs Larence Furry recently en- 10 25 lbs Sunday morning with Kay Bannan and Darby Jordan daughters of Madrid Mr and Mrs Bernard Culek of Kimiball are the parents of a sqn Mr and Mrs Larence Bannan and Mr and Mrs Con Jordan making Mrs Lula Jones fxth 'a born June 1 at a Kimball Hospital Grandparents are Mr and Le ICE MILK All Flavors Salad Bowl SALAD DRESSING Mrs Frank Culek of Kmball and GrOUp GetS Dominis Hass 4-OyPfinn Poll Miss Metta DeKay who VUClun ed the University of Nebraska the LINCOLN (UP) The State past year is spending the Summer Poli? Advisory Committee is be with her parents Mr and Mrs inS Poiled on four Questions re Leslie DeKay garding the use of Salk anti-polio vt CL i rl CO 55 41 Gal Qts sO CARROTS Cello Bag UJ 0 1 Nabisco Do Nut li New Attack Made On Bus Segregation their first Holy Communion at 8 am Mass Thirty children attended the 2-week session and classes were held from 9 am to 3 pm Sister Mary Rena and Sister Mary Bertheline from St Agnes Academy in Alliance were the inssruc-tors Miss Linda Hourt accompanied Mr and Mrs Jerry Ross of Scottsbluff to Denver recently and enrolled in the Parks School of Business Mrs James Martin who recently returned from Camp Heuneme Calif where she visited her husband also has enrolled in the school They are both graduates of Sioux County High School with the class of 1956 Mrs Alfred Pullen and Mrs Edith Foley of Lusk Wyo are in Sari Diego Calif They will visit their children Mr and Mrs Donald Foley at the Marine Barracks in Hawthorne Nev epiroute Mrs mother Mrs Caroline Thayer will accompany them home to spend the summer here with relatives Mr and Mrs Con Jordan and family were Sunday guests of his gister Mrs Margaret Cox in Casper Wyo Sharon and Jimmy Cox Onr Family ORANGE JUICE vaccine Al Rouse head of the State Polio Division said today The Advisory Committee has been requested to make recommendations on Raising the eligible age group to include all those through age 19 shots for those ready for them The advisability of giving shots to interns nurses aides and lab technicians who work with polio patients advisability of continuing anti polio vaccine shots during the summer months Rouse said answers from the committee are expected to be in his office within the next two COOKIES California Vine Ripened CANTALOUPE 46 cz can ATLANTA (UP) Segregated bus seating banned in Montgomery Ala by a federal court decision and boycotted in Tallahassee Fla came under fire today in Mem phis Tenn The National Assn for the Ad vancemerit of Colored People filed Big 1-lb Bag ea sts TIDE Gold Large Box suit at Memphis Tuesday attacking constitutionality of state laws days requiring bus segregation and urging a speedy hearing before a Group Charges Persecution three-judge federal court panel BOGOTA Colombia (UP) The and the state of Evangelical Confederation of laws requiring Negroes lombia charged Monday that there Valley Large 31 CHEESE SPREAD LOSE UGLY EAT is a "growing religious against Protestant denominations throughout the country The confederation said two more Protestant churches had been closed recently and a Protestant pastor arrested Giant and whites to sit apart was de dared unconstitutional Tuesday in a 2-1 decision There was no sign ho' an immediate ending of month Negro boycott city transit system Boycotting Negroes in Montgomery and at Tallahassee where buses have been shunned for 10 days hailed the Montgomery court ver of the six- IN 10 DAYS OR MONEY BACK cu drug diet Mjlto thM for Bring Your Coupons To Us nd trim you Ilk For Mnwticni racem 1 report oi tK on of this TERRIBLE TERRY Zcrex Prestone S269 Gal Permanent Anti Freeze $189 Gal Quality Courteous GOLDEN RULE AndlSt of tflwni a why many usr ar aimply proi'a ji of You hava nothing Of BlbATROL ii iioW with Itrlct Kiey-bsck 5wntw by store 316 Box Butte Alii" decision as a "heartening news" But some white leadef just as adamant in the against desegregation "We will use every source at our command to the serious consequences that would follow its (the en-! forcement" said Owen president of the Alabama Pubic Serv-j ice Commission Free Parking Lower Prices TIMES- HERALD JOB DEPT Bronze 269 Ethyl 289 Dunlop Tires 670x15 $1267 Dunlop Tires 710x15 $1403 Dunlop Tires 760x15 $1536 Dunlop Tires 600x16 $1135 Plus Tax and Recappable Tire WEST OF ALLIANCE Service 4 Mall prdern FHUd mil.

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The Alliance Times-Herald from Alliance, Nebraska (2024)


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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.