The Raven and the Snake - choccymilky (2024)

Sebastian’s furious question was met with only silence—at first.

Because Lawley’s own words and threats emboldened him enough to step back to the forefront, walking by Clora and watching Sebastian with an arrogant, barely contained smile as he did so.

“And I know that you’ve taken it from your own room, and hidden it in hers,” Lawley revealed, one hand on his hip while the other jerked towards Clora. “I wonder what it is that you’ve used it for? Perhaps one of the Aurors could find out for us. Tonight.”

Clora turned to Sebastian in a panic, though he remained standing still, looking rather calm, all things considered.

“So that’s it,” he said.

“Please understand, Sebastian. I—I had to,” Clora insisted desperately, her voice warbling in her shaky plea as she thought back to Valentine’s Day, wondering if he would be even more upset with her this time around. “I don’t know how he found out. But if we don’t—"

Her words were cut off with a loud crack as Sebastian closed the distance between himself and Lawley completely, and Clora only registered what had happened once she saw both a spray of blood, and Lawley skidding back across the floor.

And she would have continued to stand in shock while processing what had just happened, too, considering the shocking amount of blood and concerning gurgling noises Lawley was currently making that froze her to the spot. But the sight of Sebastian uncaringly and unrelentingly following the other boy as he attempted to slide and scramble away on the floor shook Clora back to her senses, and she quickly ran up to grab Sebastian’s arm.

“Sebastian, you can’t,” she told him urgently as she gripped his arm tightly, both in her anxiety and her attempt to restrain him. “Stop—that’s enough.”

Not only did Clora not want to see the other Slytherin beaten to a bloody pulp, but there was also no telling what Lawley might do in retaliation afterwards in regards to the relic, and with the Aurors.

Sebastian, however, harshly jerked his arm to shake Clora off.

“Oh, that wasn’t nearly enough,” he snapped, reaching into his robes for his wand as he continued forward once more, and Lawley made a noise as if he were drowning in his own liquids as he continued to clamber backwards.

Clora may have hated Lawley, and if you’d asked her if she wanted to see him hurt, she probably even would have said yes. She did slap him, after all, and she’d definitely fantasized about doing so again.

But seeing him now, down on the floor with what had to be a broken nose as he pitifully scrambled away, didn’t give Clora any satisfaction.

In fact, it only scared her; especially as Sebastian continued forward, seemingly undeterred by it—and if anything, the sorry sight only seemed to make him walk faster.

“Sebastian!” Clora pleaded, wrapping both of her arms around his now. She knew she wasn’t strong enough to completely stop him, but she was at least able to stop him long enough for Lawley to continue inching back, granting him more distance as his nose still leaked like a faucet over his trembling mouth.

Though as she stopped him, Sebastian merely resorted to brandishing his wand and violently firing it ahead with a sharp thrust, causing yet another wave of yelps and whimpers to erupt from Lawley—along with a fresh spurt of blood—as Sebastian once again hit him in the face.

“Sebastian!” Clora said again, and now she was the one being restrained as Sebastian took his arm out of her hold and used it to push her back instead.

“He deserves this,” Sebastian concluded darkly, not even sparing a glance at her behind him as he held his wand out once more. And as he pointed it at Lawley, Clora saw a familiar red begin to glow and crackle from the tip of his wand—something she recognized at once, and would for the rest of her life.

The Cruciatus Curse.

“S-stop,” Lawley’s voice sounded as though he were speaking through a mouthful of cotton, and Clora realized not only was his nose broken, but his lip was now split open and dribbling as well. “Please…stop.”

Lawley’s pleas only made Sebastian scoff angrily, and only made the red on his wand glow even brighter.

“Stop?” Sebastian repeated, his voice cold and dark and almost in direct contrast to the hot energy crackling within his grip. “You clearly didn’t plan to stop. Why should I?”

He’d only come back on a whim, due to everything on his mind: the nearly-kidnapped girl who looked like Clora, the possibility of Clora handing herself in to prevent any more kidnappings, near or otherwise. Not to mention the drill. The drill that might tunnel underneath Hogwarts itself, reaching Clora even if she were to stay within the grounds. Potentially looking for her.

So Sebastian had come back because of that, mostly for himself. To ask if Clora would be willing to sleep in the Room of Requirement with him for the night. Not for any untoward reasons, either. But just to know that she would be safe, with him, and to ease his mind at least somewhat.

And while Sebastian had been picturing Clora in all sorts of danger, the scene he’d happened across upon his return was a different sort of danger entirely. And it set his blood aflame more than if Ranrok himself were to appear at that moment and attempt to capture her.

Because Sebastian had seen it: the way Lawley was holding Clora’s chin, keeping her in place. The way Clora was squeezing her eyes shut, pressed into the wall as Lawley grabbed her, held her there, because Lawley knew as well as any that she wanted to escape, and yet they both knew that wouldn’t have stopped him.

He would have only kept going, Sebastian knew, and so why shouldn’t he? What might be happening if Sebastian weren’t here now, right at this very moment? What would Lawley be doing then?

He certainly wouldn’t be lying and snivelling and pleading in a pathetic puddle of himself on the floor, begging for a mercy that he didn’t deserve.

No, he would have been doing exactly what Sebastian was currently doing now: refusing to stop. Though in Sebastian’s case, it was for Clora, not in spite of her. And although Sebastian had stopped it, that didn’t stop the images of what could have been transpiring from flooding through his mind, fuelling his rage, and carrying his feet forward as he continued to raise his wand and channel that crackling red glow.

It grew and glowed brighter, and Sebastian realized it felt familiar. He’d cast Crucio before on another person—on Clora, as much as he didn’t want to remind himself. But he could tell it would be more powerful this time around. Fuelled by his hatred, his wand eating at it and absorbing it and making it thrum more powerfully in his grip.

The image of Lawley on Clora, his lips near her neck, on places where only Sebastian’s had ever been, and the look on Clora’s face. All of it made his blood boil and went directly into his wand, into his spell, into that growing red glow, and Sebastian pointed his wand, itching to unleash it.

Except as he pointed, he realized the glow was no longer red.

It was crackling green.

“You can’t!” Clora cried out as she pushed his arm down and away, and Lawley sobbed and begged for his life from somewhere further behind her, choking on a vile mixture of tears and blood and snot as he finally managed to clamber to his feet and escape down the hall.

Even though it hadn’t been intended, Sebastian was still half tempted to hit Lawley with it as he ran. But even if he’d wanted to, the surprise of seeing that sudden green energy—of realizing he’d unknowingly been feeding his hatred into an Avada Kedavra—had caused its light to die out just as soon as Sebastian had noticed it.

As Lawley disappeared down the hall and the sounds of his footsteps and whimpers began to completely fade, the only remaining noise was Sebastian and Clora’s breaths—Clora’s both louder and quicker than Sebastian’s as she continued to tightly grip the arm that held his wand.

“You…you weren’t really going to…” she started uncertainly, her grip tightening on his arm as Sebastian finally looked to her.

“I wanted to,” he answered without hesitation, his voice low and harsh. Though that much had already been obvious, considering the crackling green energy that they’d all seen begin to form at his wand. In fact, Sebastian wouldn’t have been surprised if any spell that he’d attempted to cast at that moment—even just a simple Accio—turned into the Killing Curse instead, due to both his rage and his hatred. “He deserves nothing less.”

“I know. And I know you’re upset, but…I really don’t think that was a good idea,” Clora insisted nervously, looking to where Lawley used to be, and then to the speckles and splatters of his blood that still remained on Sebastian’s collar. “He knows about the relic, Sebastian. And after this, he might—”

“Might what?” Sebastian spun on her, and Clora took a step back to match his own steps forward. “What can he do? If Lawley’s seen or heard us speaking about the relic, then that’s it. He doesn’t know it’s purpose, what it is, or even what it’s capable of. For all he knows, it’s a damned paperweight.”

Clora shook her head. “No. He—he seemed to know it was a Dark relic,” she urged. “He said he knew it was in your trunk originally, and that we hid it in my room. He said he would tell—”

“If that’s all he has, then he must have overheard us, and managed to manipulate you using the bits and pieces he gathered. Which is barely any at all,” Sebastian concluded angrily. “He clearly hoped mentioning it would be enough to scare you into doing what he wanted, and it worked. How long has this been going on for? Why didn’t you tell me?”

With every heated word Sebastian took another step closer, and Clora once again found herself backed against a wall.

Sebastian didn’t mean to be angry with her, though. Not really. He was angry at Lawley, and that he’d managed to manipulate and blackmail Clora in such a way; in a way that relied on and took advantage of all the best things about her, such as her selflessness, and her trusting nature.

“I didn’t want to risk it!” she argued back desperately. “Sebastian, he made it seem as though you could be sent to Azkaban if even the slightest word of this got out!” she continued, ignoring the way Sebastian scoffed and shook his head. “I panicked, and…if I could prevent that from happening just by kissing him, then—"

“Just by kissing him?” Sebastian interrupted, his voice taking on that same dark chill that never failed to freeze Clora to the spot and make her feel like a cornered animal. “You don’t want me in Azkaban, yet you seem determined to drive me insane and send me there anyway.”Before she could respond, or think of what she might say in order to ease his anger, Sebastian closed the distance between them in one rough movement as he pushed her the rest of the way against the wall, holding her there with his body as his mouth pressed almost painfully over hers.

Sebastian’s lips and teeth were merciless and relentless; moving and biting and pulling at her and sucking at her, as though he could erase the fact that Lawley was ever there, and make her forget what his had felt like.

“Seb—” Clora started, but Sebastian pressed her back down with a throaty, angry noise.

“Shut up,” he rumbled, bringing his arms up on either side of her on the wall as he continued, and in contrast to how hoarse and growly his voice was, Clora only made a soft, high pitched noise in response as he continued devouring her mouth.

“No kiss of yours is just a kiss. I savour each and every one,” Sebastian muttered into her mouth between her gasps. “Your lips are for me alone, and nobody else,” he continued as he trailed along the heated skin of her neck, before leaning back to give her a hard, loaded look. “Or am I wrong?”

Clora shook her head before she found the words, her breaths coming out in uneven catches from the insistent movements of his mouth. “N-no, you’re right—they’re…they’re yours,” she finally managed, somewhat embarrassed to say it so bluntly, and still somewhat breathless. “I don’t want anybody else to ever touch me, or kiss me the way you do.”

“And I won’t let anybody else,” Sebastian practically growled as he impatiently moved back in, starting with a needy, open-mouthed kiss on her neck that quickly turned into him leaving even more of his marks, except he didn’t only suck on the soft flesh there. He bit, sinking his teeth in and leaving imprints along with those bruise-like splotches as he then returned to Clora’s lips once more, taking her bottom lip between his teeth and biting down, hard.

Clora flinched as she sucked in a surprised breath. “That hurts.”

“Good,” Sebastian continued undeterred, his voice rough as he moved to her jaw. “Better to feel pain from me than have any lingering sensations from him.”Though despite his words, Sebastian did stop to pull away slightly, but it wasn’t to give Clora a break. He wanted to look at her, as even in the dark after-curfew hallways, the moonlight shone in enough from the windows to illuminate them both. And it allowed Sebastian to admire his handiwork: Clora’s flushed face and her dazed eyes, not to mention her lips that were even rosier than usual, swollen from the ravaging his lips and teeth had given them.

But Sebastian still wasn’t satisfied, even while seeing Clora in such a state. Held to the wall by him, hair mussed by him, ragged and breathless and marked by him. But still, it wasn’t enough.

And Sebastian knew exactly what would be.

“Even now, it doesn’t feel as though you’re truly mine,” he said after a moment, staring at the marks he’d left on her and finding they didn’t fill him with the same satisfaction as they normally did. Not when another had been so close to making one of his own.

The logical part of Sebastian knew that Clora wouldn’t let anybody else do this to her. And in Lawley’s case, even though he had somewhat managed, Clora hadn’t wanted it.

But Sebastian still couldn’t help the bitter resentment he felt as he thought about it. About how easily Clora had gone with Leander to the Yule Ball, and taken his hand, and how easily Leander had been about to kiss her, if not for Sebastian’s own interference. And now with Lawley, and how easily Clora had given in, and given him her lips. Because apparently, she saw offering herself as a pittance in exchange for his own safety.

Sebastian, however, he’d had to fight every step of the way to have her. Whether it be because of the curse, or the threat of Ranrok and Rookwood distracting them, or Samantha Dale interrupting them, and now Lawley driving them apart.

All Sebastian wanted was Clora, and it seemed every entity in the universe was determined to keep him from having her, one way or another. Including, at times, even Clora herself.

“That’s not true,” she murmured, shaking her head. “I am yours.”

Sebastian said nothing to that as Clora brought her hands up in the small space between their bodies, and she laid her palms flat against his chest, dragging them upwards to pull on his collar and reach herself forward for a kiss.

It was a soft, chaste kiss—as they always were, when initiated by Clora—though as soon as she’d pulled away, Sebastian bent and quickly followed her as he strove to deepen it, pulling her hands away from him and holding them to the wall beside her.

“I want to take all of you, Clora,” he told her suddenly after breaking the kiss, his voice firm, and he reinforced his grip around her wrists as he stared at her. “I want to make you completely mine, beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

Clora stilled as she digested the true meaning of his words, her breath catching slightly before she spoke.

“Sebastian, you—something’s just gotten into you, because of Lawley…” she nearly whispered, and both the clench of Sebastian’s jaw and his grip on her wrists tightened at the conclusion she’d reached. “You’re just upset right now.”

“I am, yes. But nothing’s gotten into me.I’d say what happened with Lawley is actually getting it out,” he rebutted fiercely. “You’re all I think about, Clora, and you have been for months. Whether it’s kissing you or touching you, all that occupies my thoughts is how I only want more—more of you,” his voice was adamant and firm as he intertwined their fingers just as firmly, leaning closer to put his lips to the crook of her jaw. “All of you.”

Sebastian’s intense passion directed so strongly and straight at her made Clora go short of breath for a moment. She couldn’t help the electric shudder that ran through her entire body at both his words, and at the way in which he spoke them, causing that familiar fire between her legs to return as she gripped his shoulders.

“Sebastian, I…” Clora finally choked out, ever unsure whether to push him away or pull him closer, and Sebastian brought his face back in front of her to watch her, waiting on her next words. “Even if I want that as well, I—we can’t…”

“Why? Because we aren’t married?” Sebastian asked flatly and with no small amount of disdain. “It may not be official, Clora, but as far as I’m concerned, I already am betrothed to you, so long as you’ll have me. I never intend to leave you, whether it’s officially recognized by some documents or otherwise.”

A quiet overtook them as Sebastian let Clora soak in his words, though he soon broke it once again to bitterly add, “Unless, of course, you think you may want to leave me down the line, and are saving yourself for your future husband instead.”

It had come out harsher than Sebastian had intended, because the thought was already painful enough, and saying it aloud was akin to torture.

“Of course not! How could you say that?” Clora’s grip on him tightened further at both the accusation and the thought—the thought of anybody else kissing her, or touching her, or being with her like that— forever, until death. Somebody who wasn’t Sebastian.

He didn’t answer, and so Clora looked up at him insistently and fiercely as she searched his eyes and repeated his own sentiment back to him. “I want to stay with you, Sebastian. For as long as you’ll have me.”

“I’ll have you for as long as I live,” Sebastian said immediately. “In fact—” he stopped, taking a slight step away from where Clora was on the wall only so that he could reach into his robes for his wand, holding it up between them as he looked straight at her. “Let’s do an Unbreakable Vow, right now—on myself. That I’ll never stop being yours.”

Clora gaped, blinking from his wand, then to him. “Sebastian, that’s mad. I don’t want you risking your life just to prove your love.”

“I’m not risking my life,” he countered hotly, closing the space between them further as he stared at her with a fiery passion. “Seeing as I’m in no danger of breaking it. Not now, not ever.”

“No,” Clora still countered immediately, shaking her head in both disbelief and refusal. “Unless you’d be okay with me taking the vows as well. You don’t need to do something so drastic just to prove your love for me.”

Sebastian worked his jaw in frustration. “Really? Because if you think I even have a chance of dying due to taking a vow of never leaving you, then it sounds as though I do need to prove this to you.”

They stared at each other after having both said their piece, though Sebastian could tell Clora wouldn’t budge on the matter. And, likewise, if the only way she’d agree on him taking those vows was for her to also take them, then Sebastian would also never budge. Not if it might put her in danger, even if she never planned on leaving him.

Sebastian may be a hypocrite, but at least he was a consistent hypocrite when it came to Clora—and he was aware of it. Though he wondered if that made it better or worse.

Sebastian dipped his head and groaned. “…I’d planned to do this someplace better, and under better circ*mstances,” he told her, scrubbing his aggravated hands through his hair before turning to look at her. “But I want to prove to you that I am serious. That I’m not simply saying this on the spot, in order to steal your virtue.”

Clora remained still as Sebastian once again slowly approached her, stopping in front of her as he reached into his robes, his eyes never leaving her face as he put away his wand and pulled out something else in exchange—something much smaller.

A small box.

And she gasped when she realized what it was, and what sort of box it was, and what must be in it as Sebastian continued to watch her and handed it to her wordlessly. Clora took it, blinking rapidly and trying to at least clear her vision somewhat before she finally opened it.

Inside, just as she’d suspected, was a small, delicate ring sat and propped up on a cushion. It was made of silver, in a design of intricately crafted swirls that both Clora and Sebastian would have recognized anywhere by now.

A ring made of goblin metal.

“I had Lodgok put in an order of my own with his metalworker friend, back on Valentine’s Day,” Sebastian revealed, his voice even and still as Clora carefully took the ring out to inspect it more closely.

Her hands were trembling enough that she nearly dropped it, however, and so Sebastian gingerly took it from her precariously shaking hands, holding her left hand gently in one of his own, while he held the ring in the other.

“Can I put it on you?” he asked as he lifted up her left hand slowly, and Clora didn’t trust herself to speak, so she only nodded.

She spread her fingers for him, and the both of them watched with bated breath as it slid up the length of her finger in one easy motion—a perfect fit—and Clora couldn’t help but think back to all the times Sebastian had played with her hands, and squeezed her fingers, and wondered if he’d secretly been measuring them.

“It’s only a temporary ring,” he assured her during the continued silence as she stared at it on her finger. “But I wanted you to have something—for until we get out of school, at the very least. To show you how I feel, because I certainly see you as more than just a girlfriend.”

Clora was still holding out her shaking hand to stare at it, sniffling, and Sebastian took hold of it firmly once more, bringing it up to rest on his chest as he gazed down at her.

“This has been on my mind for a long time, as you can see. It’s not just a reaction from Lawley,” he told her firmly, his grip fastening around her hand. “I want you to marry me, Clora. I want you to be mine, forever, because I can’t bear the thought of simply graduating from Hogwarts and leaving you. Any avenue I picture, any future—every single one of them involves you.”Clora’s rapid blinking wasn’t enough to stop the tears that inevitably overflowed, and she sniffed and nodded rapidly, stepping closer to Sebastian and putting both her hand as well as her forehead on his chest.

“Me too,” she managed to warble out, her voice barely louder than a squeak. “No matter what I do, or where I go, I want it to be with you, Sebastian.”

Sebastian stayed still as his heart thrummed underneath Clora, letting her sniffle into his chest for a moment longer. He let go of her hand, reaching for her face instead as he tilted her up towards him, and then he bent and dipped his head to kiss her, more softly than before.

“And…” Clora said quietly after a moment, hesitating, her face suddenly much less resolute, and much more red. “Me too,” she said again. “I…want you to have all of me, as well.”

She trailed off, and Sebastian only stared at her dumbly as she did so, and then continued to stare dumbly for a moment longer as he blinked, unable to register her words for longer than he would have liked to admit.

But he eventually and rather enthusiastically did register them, and so Sebastian wasted no further time in taking a hasty step towards Clora, all their gentle tenderness completely gone as he pressed her right back into the wall, his hands roaming her greedily and savouring the sounds of her gasps and subsequent whimpers at his touch, before he closed his mouth over her own.

Her words reignited the fire in his blood once more, and although Sebastian was still desperate and rough and wild in his kisses and his touch as he pulled her close and put his hungry mouth and hands on her, it wasn’t out of anger or retaliation anymore, but out of pure desire.

A desire that he apparently no longer had to keep in check.

The realization and revelation of that alone sent a shiver of electricity through him as he throbbed almost painfully, and Sebastian quickly broke the kiss only so that he could lift Clora up into a clumsy and hurried bridal carry. Both his hold and his gait were unsteady as he impatiently made his way to the Room of Requirement with her in his arms, only half paying attention to where they were going, due to the fact that Sebastian couldn’t seem to take his mouth off her for even a moment.

“My strong Beater boyfriend,” Clora joked breathlessly as he picked her up and moved them through the halls, and Sebastian chuckled against her lips.

“Your strong Beater fiancé,” he corrected proudly, kissing her when she went red all over again.

Due to his kisses, Clora hadn’t even realized they’d finally reached the room and had even passed over the threshold until she was falling backwards onto the soft sheets, Sebastian eagerly following her all the way down and barely breaking the seal of their mouths as he did so.

His mouth was no longer half-distracted now, but instead almost ferocious in its single-minded focus on her, and Clora felt as though she might suffocate from both the force of his lips and the way his tongue delved needily into her mouth.

Because unlike the last time they were in this room, Sebastian no longer needed to hold himself back. They’d mentioned Clora giving herself to Sebastian as a gift for his birthday, but he never imagined it would happen on her birthday, instead. He was the one that was supposed to be giving a gift to her, not the other way around.

It wasn’t fair, really. Because now, no matter what gift Sebastian ever got for Clora in the future on any of her birthdays, it would never even come close to the one she was about to give to him.

He just needed to unwrap it.

Sebastian’s kisses were once again half-distracted as he reached down, lifting off Clora slightly to give himself room to undo her tie. He had it loose in record time, remembering the way she’d done it herself in this very same room, and how he’d only been made to watch. Yet now Sebastian was the one undoing it instead, enjoying himself thoroughly as he pulled it slowly off of her, watching her eyes follow it as he undressed her, as though he were pulling the ribbon off of a wrapped present.

“W-wait,” Clora swallowed, watching the silk unravel from his fingers and drop to the floor. Because now not only were they on a bed, but Sebastian was undressing her, and the reality about what they were actually about to do firmly set in and robbed her of her full lung capacity. “Are we—are we really going to…”

“I am,” Sebastian mumbled into her neck, enjoying the further expanse of skin that the loose collar offered him, no longer held together by her tie. “And I will. Unless you stop me.”

Clora exhaled shakily, and Sebastian felt her heart pounding beneath his lips as he unbuttoned her shirt and trailed across her chest. Though even as he helped her out of it completely, part of him was still waiting—expecting Clora to tell him to stop. To put an end to this at any moment, just like he’d gotten so used to. Whether it was due to an outside interruption, or herself, or even waking up from a dream.

But Clora wasn’t stopping him, and Sebastian found himself both relieved and worried as he began to realize. Because as he looked down at her beneath him, half undressed and looking as disheveled as though he’d already taken her, what with her messy hair and bruise-like marks on her neck, and the bitemarks, and her red and swollen lips, Sebastian knew he wouldn’t be gentle with her. Not after Lawley, and seeing her pressed up against the wall by him, her lips stolen by another, and almost taken from him entirely.

No, Sebastian knew he wouldn’t be gentle, because he felt that same dark desire that he’d felt so many times before. The desire to reinforce that Clora was his, and his alone. And a simple trip to Hogsmeade, or having her wear his scarf, or a few extra marks on her neck wouldn’t cut it this time around. Not with how he was feeling at the moment. And Sebastian knew just what would cut it.

Clora trusted him, though. And Sebastian almost felt like a swindler. Like he’d played the part of prince charming long enough, managing to fool her so that she wouldn’t realize he’d truly been the wolf all along. Not until it was too late.

To further guilt him, it had been in this very same room that Sebastian had eased her fears on this very matter. Told her that if she ever let him take her, he would do everything he could to soothe both her mind and her worries.

But that had been prince charming speaking to her then, and unfortunately, Sebastian wasn’t able to find him at the moment.

So he stopped.

“We shouldn’t do this,” Sebastian said suddenly, his voice thick and strained as he lifted himself up and half pulled away, struggling only to look at Clora’s face and not at the soft milky skin of her chest, in order to keep his own will intact. “Not right now.”

Focused on her face as he was, Sebastian saw her eyebrows twitch up ever so slightly in surprise and—it made his mind go blank to see it—disappointment.

“…Why not?” Clora asked softly and uncertainly, and Sebastian wasn’t sure how he didn’t pounce on her immediately after that. At how she was looking up at him, asking him why he wasn’t continuing, thinking perhaps something might be wrong with her.

There was a sudden and distinct air of self-consciousness about her then, and it made Sebastian grip the bed in barely-kept restraint to see it. Because how could Clora think it had anything to do with her, and his lack of desire for her? Especially when she tempted him so simply, and by doing nothing more than merely lying beneath him, spread out like a feast with her rosy cheeks and her rosy lips and her blue eyes looking up at him, innocent and curious and wondering why he was stopping, wondering why he wasn’t currently continuing what it was that he’d dreamt about for months.

And the scorching, unbearable fire that ignited in Sebastian’s blood upon seeing Clora like that only reminded him of why he was proposing to stop in the first place.

“If I take you as I am now—in my current state of mind—I’m afraid that I might hurt you,” he told her, his voice low and even and controlled, hoping she might agree. That she would agree once more that the situation with Lawley had aggravated him too much, and hoped she might give him that final push that he needed; that final piece of self-restraint Sebastian was missing, which preventing him from fully lifting himself off of her, despite his words.

But instead Clora only shook her head. “You won’t,” she insisted, and Sebastian couldn’t help but laugh bitterly at that under his breath, because it was easy for her to say.

“I’m glad you have so much faith in me, but it’s already difficult enough to restrain myself on a good day,” he informed her, the innocent obliviousness in her eyes when it came to his everyday struggles only driving him madder. “Let alone how I am right now.”

Sebastian wasn’t sure if it was her faith in him, or that same naïve obliviousness in regards to the depths and depravity of his desires, that made Clora shake her head once more.

“I’ll always trust you to protect me, Sebastian,” she reached up as she spoke, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Even from yourself.”

Sebastian worked his jaw at that as Clora continued. “Besides, who said you needed to restrain yourself?” she prodded, a light and teasing smile playing at her rosy, bitten lips. “Haven’t you already learned firsthand that I’m a fair bit more durable than I look?”

She was, and he had, and so the remainder of Sebastian’s self-restraint was stripped away along with his robes as he threw them to the floor and brought himself down on top of Clora again, kissing a path up from her chest to her lips.

He didn’t break their kiss even as he reached down, hooking his thumb in the waistband of her skirt. Though when Clora opened her eyes in surprise to look down, Sebastian only reinforced both his kiss and his movements, pushing her head back down onto the sheets as he delved his tongue in deeper, and slid her skirt down further.

Sebastian didn’t have the same patience for the white pantyhose she wore underneath, however, opting to tear the material straight off of her and down the seam as Clora made a noise of both alarm and protest into his mouth, though Sebastian continued unbothered and simply drank in those noises, throwing both her skirt and the ruined garments on the floor.

Their kiss was finally broken when Sebastian lifted himself up to look down at her, his breath short and ragged not because of their kisses, but because of his anticipation. He’d imagined it before, of what it might look like to see Clora completely bare, with absolutely no clothing to get in the way of his mouth or his hands or his eyes as he explored her. And now he was about to see it.

Though despite Clora’s insistence that she’d wanted him to continue, and that she wanted to do this with him as well, Sebastian didn’t miss the way she froze now that they were finally there, and the way she was lying perfectly still, as though she was some small animal playing dead and hoping the predator would simply leave.

Because now that her stockings were gone, Clora was completely bare, save for her underwear—cotton and white and simple with a tiny bow at the front, and Sebastian worked his jaw as he stared at her, and at it.

As with probably any seventeen-year-old boy, he was no stranger to women’s underwear. Not from personal experience, of course, but from the women’s clothing catalogues that the boys stockpiled in the dorms. Desperate for any sort of lascivious material, whether it be something as simple as a bralette or an underwear advertisem*nt, photographed or drawn.

So Sebastian had seen a fair share of the designs that were out there. Lacy, or silky, or ruffled, and even sheer, slightly see-through ones. And if you’d asked him before what he found the most attractive, he might have said something classic and predictable. Perhaps something red, and with lace, or maybe a garter.

But as Sebastian looked down at Clora now, with hers so simple and white and with just a little bow for extra flair, he found that it riled him up more than possibly any other design he’d ever seen in any other catalogue before, and on any other model. Because it was Clora, and it was on her, and the style was just so her that it drove him mad.

Rigid as she was, Clora didn’t stop Sebastian as he held his breath and finally reached forward and began to peel them off, sliding them down carefully and slowly and keeping his eyes on that white cotton and purposefully away from what it had just been covering as he slid it down her thighs, and then over her knees, and then past her ankles and onto the floor.

But then he did look at Clora fully, at all of her and staring at her in all of her beauty, finally laid out completely bare before him from top to bottom, just as he’d always pictured.

Her golden hair spread out behind her on the white sheets, her eyes looking down and away, too embarrassed to look at Sebastian while he looked at her, avoiding his intent stare and hungry taking in of her body.

From her marked neck, to her delicate collarbone, to her narrow little shoulders and bare breasts and wide hips and her perfectly hourglass form, all complete and wrapped up in her smooth milky skin that never failed to make Sebastian salivate every single time he saw it so bare, eager to either kiss it or lick it or bite it or attempt to do all at once.

And then, of course, down to the delicate, raw area he’d yet to ever see before now. Only in his books and his research, and definitely never in the flesh, so close it made Sebastian shiver with desire just to see it, and at what it promised him. But it still remained slightly obscured by more of her golden hair, and also her soft thighs as she shyly and tightly closed her legs to cover herself.

Sebastian couldn’t help the way he’d unhappily and disapprovingly glared at that action as she once again attempted to hide her lower region, and Clora clearly noticed the look on his face, because she quickly followed it up with an embarrassed yet defensive, “W-why am I the only one who’s completely naked?”

Sebastian expression lifted immediately as he only chuckled at that, meeting Clora’s gaze as though he were accepting a challenge as he quickly undid his own tie and ripped his shirt out of their buttons, and she almost seemed to be regretting her words now as he immediately dropped them next to him—though he left his trousers on. For now.

Sebastian being half undressed still didn’t succeed in making Clora feel even, though. Not when she was currently laid out on the bed beneath him, having been slowly stripped—and ripped—bare by him. And even if Sebastian did get completely undressed, Clora still wouldn’t feel any less vulnerable as she currently felt as he hovered over her, drinking her in so intently that she couldn’t help but cover not only her upper half with her forearm, but also her bottom half as she reached down there, attempting to cover with her hand what her undergarments normally did.

But although Clora felt vulnerable, and nervous, and shy, she also couldn’t deny the feeling of liking it. Of being excited by it, and by Sebastian’s pure and undistilled longing and desire for her, both dizzying and frightening in its force, and how it was so completely for her, and for her alone. It was intoxicating, and Clora found herself wanting to entrust herself completely to him, just as she’d thought of doing before, and of what it might be like. Of simply allowing him to love her as much as he so clearly and feverishly wanted to.

Sebastian saw it, too, and it made him short of breath to see it. That Clora was truly relinquishing herself in a way she’d never done before with him, and would never do for anyone else. Allowing Sebastian to take complete control as she laid there shyly covering herself, so tantalizingly vulnerable that it made his head swim, because Clora was his, and she was sharing herself with him—giving herself to him—and Sebastian certainly intended to take it.

“Don’t hide from me,” he commanded softly, pulling both of Clora’s hands away from her body and pinning them down to the bed as he brought his lips down to her flesh, starting from her neck and trailing them all the way down, just as he’d imagined being able to do. Down the entire, soft, milky expanse of her body, uninterrupted by any sort of clothing, and now no longer interrupted by her embarrassed hands, even as he felt them fight against his hold, desperate to cover herself once more. “You have nothing to hide, Clora, least of all from me. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.

Clora only made a small and embarrassed noise in response as Sebastian continued trailing both his mouth and his hot, loving murmurs down against her skin. And then her noise turned into a squeak as he finally reached lower, to the place she was still trying to hide and keep him out of behind her clamped legs, though Sebastian didn’t dwell there just yet as he brought himself back up to meet her mouth once more.

The kiss was only a distraction in truth, though. Sebastian melded their mouths and swirled their tongues, and when Clora’s legs gradually relaxed and parted themselves slightly as she’d lost herself to the kiss, Sebastian shifted himself more comfortably on top of her, taking the opportunity to place his knee between her legs in order to prevent her from completely closing them from him again.

And now that they were parted, he brought his hand down between her thighs, not touching her there yet, but simply brushing his fingers and his knuckles against her inner thighs.

Sebastian opened his eyes during their kiss in preparation to watch Clora react to his sudden touch at her thigh, his half-lidded and lustful gaze enjoying the way her eyes flew open in alarm at the sensation—so near her entrance—and Sebastian felt her reflexively attempt to close her legs again at the sudden intrusion. Though her thighs only strained and pressed in against his knee, successfully keeping them partially spread despite her efforts.

“It’s alright,” Sebastian soothed in a hot, heady whisper, his face inches from Clora’s as he continued to watch her flushed face with heavy breaths. So helpless and embarrassed as he kept her exposed, his fingers soft against the inside of her thighs—so close to where Sebastian truly wanted them to be—as Clora looked up at him nervously, her breathing quick and heavy and matching his own, but for a completely different set of reasons. “I won’t touch you there yet, if you don’t want me to.”

Sebastian kissed her again, this time not as a distraction but merely to soothe her some more, though Clora wasn’t able to focus on it, her attention fully stuck on the feather-light touches of Sebastian’s fingers as they continued to dance and graze between her thighs, getting her used to the sensation and the feeling of something being there. Of another person’s flesh, alive and moving, so close to where nobody had ever been before, as he continued to tease touching her at her center, yet never quite did so.

“But I need to, eventually,” Sebastian warned softly as he brushed his hand along her skin, feelings goosebumps begin to rise on her flesh as he dragged his fingers down to her knee and then back up, over and over again in soothing motions, trying to have her spread her legs for him willingly. “I need to, for your sake.”

Clora swallowed as her breathing began to pick up, and for a moment Sebastian was worried he’d scared her. That he’d moved too fast, and that she was about to tell him to forget it, and scramble back into her clothes.

But instead, she nodded.

“You can…” she finally breathed after a moment, despite her nervousness. Because Clora couldn’t handle it anymore—Sebastian on top of her, and his bare chest occasionally brushing against her own, both of their skin so heated as his fingers teased her, light and gentle, stoking the burning embers but never quite lighting the fire. “…You can touch me.”

Clora practically held her breath in preparation as soon as the words were out, and Sebastian, too, seemed to be holding his breath as he stilled, not immediately jumping at the opportunity as he gave her a look that she couldn’t quite place.

“Have you ever…” he began tentatively, letting the sentence trail off, though he hadn’t needed to finish it for Clora to understand what he was asking of her.

She hesitated with a shy purse of her lips, before nodding. “I’ve…rubbed,” Clora answered simply, her face already bright red just at those words alone. “But nothing else,” she finished, practically forcing the words out in her embarrassment, her face freshly flushed at both the question and the somewhat shameful answer, and Sebastian’s mind momentarily went blank at the revelation.

The revelation that Clora had, despite her pure appearances, indeed made the effort to pleasure herself before. And Sebastian’s mind continued to reel at the possibility that she might have even been thinking of him as she did so, and he took an unsteady breath as he imagined it. Clora in bed, in that nightgown of hers, slipping her hand underneath and between her spread legs as she softly murmured his name on her quivering lips, closing her eyes as she imagined him over her, just as he was now, and Sebastian nearly groaned at the fantasy alone as he strained painfully within his trousers.

Not only that, but if Clora had never done anything beyond simply rubbing herself, then that meant Sebastian would be the first to enter her—to be inside of her. He would be her first experience in nearly every sense of the word, and he allowed himself to selfishly revel in how satisfied that made him feel. That he would be all she knew.

Sebastian watched Clora wordlessly as he soaked in her answer, enjoying the way she squirmed after both the admittance of exploring herself and now giving him the permission to do so. Though despite having it, and knowing now that Clora wanted him to, Sebastian still didn’t, not yet.

Instead he continued to ghost his fingers across her, from one of her thighs to the other, moving closer to the center each and every time. And when Sebastian ‘accidentally’ brushed his knuckles across that heat hidden between them, he watched the way Clora sucked in a sharp breath and let out a little whimper of surprise. And at both the sight and the noise, Sebastian let out a shaky breath as he eagerly and lovingly brought his mouth down over hers once more, devouring the noise.

And then, as he moved his own mouth against Clora’s once more, Sebastian finally did touch her at her core, dragging his index finger up along the slit and where her folds joined together, not delving deeper, but only parting them slightly with his gentle swipe upwards, testing.

Even at such a transient touch, Clora yelped and arched her back, her thighs straining against Sebastian’s knee once more as she again attempted to snap them shut.

But Sebastian was still keeping Clora parted for him, and her reaction—both verbal and physical—spurred him to press his finger in further and part her folds in earnest, and then it was his turn to suck in a breath when he felt just how wet she was beyond her entrance, and how easily Sebastian’s finger slid up and across.

It was proof that Clora wanted him—that her body wanted him—just as much as he did her, and Sebastian held his breath as he felt it. At how her body was preparing itself to accept, just as his was painfully and eagerly prepared to give.He’d done that to her, and both feeling it and knowing it almost made Sebastian lightheaded with desire, no doubt in part due to the fact that all of his blood seemed to be pumping to the area that truly wanted to be parting Clora at that moment, clearly ready to answer the call.

Though even with his finger parting her and gliding across her, Sebastian still didn’t enter her. All he did with his finger was slide it up and down against her lazily, gauging Clora’s sensitivity, purposefully avoiding her most sensitive spot near the top that she clearly wanted him to touch, based on the slight rise of her hips.

Just as Sebastian was exploring Clora and taking things slow for her sake, he was also slowly cherishing it for his own. He wanted to take his time exploring her, and touching her, and burning the sensations and sights into his memory, because she was warm and wet and silky under his fingers.

Though while Sebastian did want to take his time, and to savour this, and to cherish her, and this moment taken straight out of his fantasies, he also had to resist the overwhelming urge to do the exact opposite. To take her before anything or anyone could interrupt and stop him from doing so—including Clora herself, lest she change her mind. And savouring her was all the harder, especially with Clora’s whimpers and muffled noises against her pursed lips as she tried to stifle herself.

“Don’t be quiet,” Sebastian urged in a desperately commanding whisper, his voice already ragged as he continued to tease her. “I want to hear you.”

And to make sure he got what he wanted, Sebastian finally hardened his touch as he pressed two fingers against that bundle of nerves that he’d been so rudely neglecting, swirling them in wet little circles as Clora cried out at the sudden and intense stimulation.

Her noise of both surprise and pleasure went straight to Sebastian’s already painfully hard groin as he watched her writhe under him, and felt her so slick on his fingers, and heard her sweet little sounds. She squeezed her eyes shut as she threw her head back and clutched at him with delicate fingers, her legs once again straining in a reflexive attempt to close as Sebastian continued to move his fingers and stare down at her, his eyes dazed with his desire.

He’d read about that sinful little spot right above her slit, though Sebastian hadn’t known exactly where it would be until he’d felt it on his own two fingers—the slight bump as he rolled it under him, though Clora’s keening reaction was both the best indicator (and the best reward) that Sebastian had indeed found the correct spot.

And although Clora had touched herself before on occasion, it still didn’t compare to another touching her. Another’s heat, and flesh, and their unpredictable movements that made the anticipation almost as dizzying as the contact itself.

Not to mention the even more dizzying fact that it was Sebastian touching her there, so confident in his movements with her just as he always was with everything else, and even if it hadn’t felt good (which it certainly did) just knowing that it was him, and his fingers, still most likely would have been enough to reduce Clora to the gasping, writhing, mewling mess that she found herself becoming under him and his touch.

Sebastian was inches from Clora’s face as he worked at her, and when she opened her eyes, he didn’t break contact even for a moment as he nearly began to moan as well, throbbing in his trousers as he took in her fuzzy, dazed eyes blearily blink up at him, her hips moving in time with his fingers, and against his hand, and it took everything in Sebastian to resist sticking his finger inside of her, desperate to see how she would react to that.

Except he pulled away entirely then, and he was all too pleased with himself to hear the disappointed whimper from Clora as he did so. His two fingers were slicked and glossy in the light from her, and Clora made yet another noise when Sebastian brought them up to his lips to lick it off.

Her slightly mortified and embarrassed reaction only made him revel in it more. Because that was just a taste, and nothing compared to what Sebastian was planning to do next.

“You…you know a lot,” Clora panted after a moment of catching her breath, the area between her legs still electric and pulsing, and she wished she could close them, if only so that she could rub her thighs together and give herself some form of relief.

The observation wasn’t an accusatory one, merely matter-of-fact, and somewhat surprised. Sebastian seemed to know her body intimately as if they’d done this before; knew exactly where to touch, and how to touch, and Clora was suddenly self-conscious once more. Because when it came to him, and his body, she had no idea what he might like, or where to even begin.

She’d read anatomy books, of course, but that didn’t exactly translate to what they were currently doing.

“I’m no stranger to research, as you know—especially when it comes to restricted subjects,” Sebastian answered her easily and with a hint of arrogance, still proud that he’d been able to apply said knowledge so effectively. “I need to know what I’m doing, after all. To ensure that I don’t hurt the girl I love.”

Clora flattened her mouth in understanding as she nodded, both touched and flustered at the revelation that Sebastian had gone out of his way to prepare for this—to prepare her, and to prepare for her. It was proof that he’d been wanting her, wanting this for long enough to do research on it, and to learn what he could about it, all while she was completely unaware.

And perhaps it was a mixture of both her returned love for Sebastian and a dash of her Ravenclaw personality that Clora suddenly found herself feeling sheepish and self-conscious all over again. Ashamed that she hadn’t gone out of her way to do the same, and that she wouldn’t be able return the favour for him.

“For me, I don’t…” Clora started, wondering if she was supposed to know more. Wondering if Sebastian would be disappointed after waiting for so long, because maybe he was already assuming that she did know just as much as he did, and that she’d also done research of her own, considering how studious she was. “Sebastian, I don’t know how to…”

Sebastian stopped what he’d been about to do so that he could lean over Clora again, stopping her sentence to bring his lips down on her own, soft and reassuring, before leaning back to look at her just as so. “I know. And you don’t have to. Just you allowing me to do this—to be with you—is more than enough,” he reassured, bringing himself down to kiss her once more.

“Besides, I’ve had plenty of time to think about this. It only made sense to get some studying done in the meantime,” he continued lightly when she still didn’t seem convinced. “And I want to ensure that it’s good for you, too.”

Because Sebastian already knew it would be the best thing he’d ever felt or experienced, and the idea that he could be feeling unspeakable pleasure while Clora was only in pain wasn’t right. And he really wasn’t lying when he said Clora didn’t have to do a single thing, because just her giving herself to him, and giving him that privilege, was enough. She was already making his quite literal dreams come true, after all, and the fact that Clora didn’t seem to think that she herself was enough baffled him.

It was Sebastian’s responsibility, not hers. Because she was fragile, and soft, and he had to treat her and prepare her as such. And the reminder of that once again made him move away from her as he began moving down, down, though as he brought himself down even further, his face nearly lined up with her entrance, Clora successfully and finally clamped her legs shut with a surprised yelp.

“W-what are you doing!” she squeaked, her expression a mixture of pure bewilderment, accusation, and embarrassment unlike anything Sebastian had ever seen.

He took it in stride, though, simply opting to place his hands on top of her knees in preparation of pulling them apart once more.

“Getting you ready for me,” he answered.

Clora still held her legs tightly together, however, though Sebastian didn’t move away.

“What—you can’t,” she insisted, breathless in both her urgency and her embarrassment. “You don’t—you’re not—you’re not going to put your face down there, are you?”

“I am. And my mouth,” Sebastian answered without hesitation or shame, not at all surprised by Clora’s reaction as he gripped her knees tighter and readied to spread them. “I know myself, Clora. And I know that tonight, I won’t be as gentle with you as you deserve,” he murmured, his voice low as he rubbed his thumb on her knee in soft circles, her eyes seemingly quivering as they met his. “But I also can’t wait any longer. That’s why I plan to do everything in my power to prepare you, right now, beforehand.”

Clora’s face was still bright red as she shook her head desperately, clutching onto the sheets for emotional support. “In that case, it’s fine. You don’t have to—"

“It’s not only for that,” Sebastian interrupted as he finally pried her legs open despite the way they trembled, and despite the way she still shyly resisted against his pull. “I want to taste you, Clora. For my own enjoyment. Especially here…”

Sebastian lowered himself further as he held Clora’s legs apart, relishing in the sight—relishing in the sight of her. On her back, hands twisted in the sheets as she grabbed onto them for dear life, her legs spread open for him and quivering as she still attempted to close them out of embarrassment.

Sebastian watched her, Clora’s blues meeting the hungry, dark depths of his own. And she whimpered when he finally trailed his gaze down, slowly, knowing exactly where he was looking.

“You’re beautiful, Clora,” he told her, warm and tender, because she was.

So beautiful and fragile and sweet, especially there, and so intoxicatingly enticing that it made both him and his straining groin tremble. Sebastian gazed at Clora and her most intimate areas with equal parts arousal and reverie, as though she were some angel, or goddess, and he was hesitant to defile her.

But Sebastian was a blasphemer, because he wasn’t really hesitant, and he’d in fact never been more eager for anything else in his life as he throbbed in anticipation, holding her open for him like that with uneven breaths.

Clora’s softness and her fragility and her vulnerability at his hands didn’t make Sebastian want to stop and be careful with her. It only made him ache and want to take her all the faster, and all the harder, and he was growing increasingly desperate as he stared at her, in her, with a thick swallow and a shuddering breath.

Yet that very same animalistic desire that Sebastian felt while looking at Clora like this, and at that part of her, was also what prevented him from doing so in the first place. Because it only reminded him how selfish and greedy and rough he might be, and so he had to wait until she was ready for him—for all of him.

Sebastian ignored Clora’s whimpers and shy little protests as he held her apart and leaned down, doing nothing more than softly and gently kissing between her legs, and even that immediately made her cry out in what sounded like mostly disbelief and embarrassment.

“Ah—!” Clora yelped in a half cry, half moan as she jerked her hips beneath him, and he wasn’t sure whether it was to wrestle free or push herself closer. “Sebastian—that’s—”

Whether she was in the process of spurring him on or about to beg him to stop, Sebastian didn’t give Clora much of a chance to continue forming her thoughts as he hooked his arm around her thighs, his hands gently massaging her as his mouth continued forward.

Sebastian followed up the testing kiss to her entrance by darting his tongue out, parting Clora ever so slightly and finally, truly tasting her as he slowly and methodically swiped and dragged his tongue up, the same way he’d done with his finger, ending by only lightly prodding that same bundle of nerves at the top.

And as he ate at her, Sebastian couldn’t help but groan into that wet heat of hers, drunk with lust at the warmth and the smell and the taste of Clora in and on his mouth. She once again thrashed and gasped, forcing Sebastian to only use one hand to keep her legs spread, while he laid his other over her abdomen, holding her squirming form down onto the bed as he continued to drink her and her juices in—juices that were rightfully his, seeing as he’d caused them—before he settled on his stomach and onto his throbbing desire as he did so.

It took everything in Sebastian to not rut desperately against the bed as he continued to pleasure her, because he knew, surrounded by Clora and her heat and her slick and her sweet taste and her sweet sounds, that he would most likely just end up wasting his release in his trousers if he were to give himself even the barest hint of relief.

“Clora…” Sebastian exhaled a shuddering breath of her name, his voice heady and dazed, and she shivered as she felt his rumbling moan course through her. He made sure to fasten his grip on her in preparation before he plunged his tongue in deeper, delving much further than his finger had, and the hand that Sebastian still had wrapped around her leg rubbed and soothed her thigh as he did so.

“You can’t—” Clora finally gasped her verdict as her hips twitched and jerked without her permission, listening in mortified embarrassment at the lewd, wet noises coming from where Sebastian continued to lap and suck between her legs. “It’s—It’s dirty—”

“It’s not dirty,” Sebastian replied fiercely, almost angrily. Angry on her behalf, that she could even think such a thing about herself, and he pressed his tongue flat and hard against her with renewed vigour as if to prove it—right onto that sensitive ball of nerves. His tongue pushed and pulsed against it in rapid, undulating movements as Clora made a choking noise and cried out, thrashing and arching under his steadying hold yet again. “Clora…You’re the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.”

Her head lolled as she made a high-pitched noise that almost sounded like surrender, or even acceptance. Because Sebastian wasn’t merely saying it to assuage her embarrassment. He meant it. And perhaps Clora heard that in his tone, and felt the truth of his words in his hungry, greedy mouth—even if she didn’t agree, or understand why he might find her so delicious in the first place.

Sebastian moved up, making sure to hold Clora down firmly as he began to lick and suck at her most sensitive area, watching her all the while with incensed, half-lidded eyes as she threw her head back and whimpered. And Sebastian once again couldn’t help but groan into Clora as he continued resisting the urge to rut against the bed as he watched her, and tasted her, and listened to her, making sure to save himself for her—for inside of her.

Clora felt each and every rumble and groan from Sebastian as he kept his mouth stubbornly molded and sealed to her sopping heat, keeping not only her legs apart but her entrance apart as he sunk his tongue into her, and sucked, and kissed, and pressed and rubbed against her nerves.

It was too much, and Clora hadn’t even realized that she’d unfasted her hands from the sheets to grab at Sebastian’s hair instead, half pulling him away, and half holding him still as she silently begged for him to never stop.

Between getting lost in what he was doing, holding her legs apart, and keeping Clora still, Sebastian had no more concentration left (nor hands) for when she began grabbing at his head, disrupting his efforts with her pushes and pulls, and so Sebastian finally raised himself up to look at her.

Despite all of her initial embarrassment and protests, Clora blinked blearily up at him when he stopped, her chest heaving as she looked to him with an unspoken question. Though it didn’t take long for her embarrassment to come back when she noticed the glossy sheen around Sebastian’s mouth, and what had caused it.

He reached over to the tie and shirt he’d discarded, grabbing only the tie as he looked at her.

“Let me bind your hands,” he said, his voice unnaturally even, and Clora was too surprised to react for a moment.

“What?” she finally squeaked. “Why?”

“I need to do this, and I can’t if I keep fighting you,” Sebastian told her, his voice equal parts diplomatic and impatiently commanding, eager to get back to it. He knew Clora was pushing his head away by pure reflex and not because she truly wanted him to stop, and so it was as good a solution as any.

And Clora knew that, too. So with a red face and a purse of her lips, she nodded.

“I won’t make them too tight,” he assured her as he bound her, just enough so that she wouldn’t accidentally pull free while she thrashed, and Sebastian finished by tying it to one of the wooden posts of the headboard. “Just tell me if you want them off.”

Clora nodded, clenching her bound fists together and chewing on her lip in both anticipation and nervousness as Sebastian once again headed between her legs, though not before he savoured the new sight of Clora before him.

Hands above her head, chest rising and falling heavily as she prepared herself once more, and how truly vulnerable she was to Sebastian and his whims now—now that she had her arms raised and fastened and secured to the headboard—with his Slytherin tie, no less—and just the sight alone made Sebastian heady with need, once again resisting the urge to simply take her already, right then and there.

But instead he only stared at her for a moment longer, a shudder running through him as he burned the image into his memory, better than anything he’d ever conjured in his fantasies. And then he brought himself back down slowly between her legs.

Except now, Sebastian used both his tongue and his fingers, sinking the hot flesh of his mouth deep inside her tight warmth, while he brought the hand that was still splayed flat on her abdomen down further, reaching with his thumb to massage that sensitive little nub of hers in languid, unhurried circles, even as Clora arched and brought her hips up desperately once again.

“Oh—Sebastian—!” she choked out, a sound he’d also commit to memory as she turned her head into her raised arm, gasping and lifting herself against his hand once again, while her thighs squeezed in against his head. Though now her legs no longer attempted to squeeze shut around Sebastian to keep him out, but instead to urge him closer, and to press down harder. “Please—more—"Sebastian had to stop for a moment to center himself, closing his eyes and catching his heaving breaths as he brought his hips up and away from the bed, worried he would end up finishing just by the pressure of lying on his stomach. Because tasting Clora and feeling her squirm and hearing her voice dripping with ecstasy as she said his name and begged him for more was too much, and she whined when he stopped.

Sebastian continued again slowly, ignoring Clora’s pleas for more as he moved at the same unhurried pace, his two fingers moving in tortuously slow circles while his tongue remained flat and strong against her, taking a long swathe up. Clora’s hips rolled to match the movement as she choked out an unintelligible noise, and Sebastian pulled his fingers away, once again taking that swollen bundle into his mouth as he began to suck it and bite it lightly instead.

Clora bucked and cried out while Sebastian continued, holding her thighs apart as he licked all around her, marvelling at how wet and dripping she was because of him, and he nearly moaned from the sight, prepared to do just as she asked. To give her more.

Sebastian lifted himself up as he licked the sweet traces of her off of his lips, leaning forward to bring his mouth to Clora’s breasts as he swirled his tongue around the pink center of that softness, grabbing a handful of the other one as he finally moved up to kiss her moaning mouth once more.

Sebastian had to wonder if Clora could taste herself on his lips, and he hoped that she could, so that she would understand why she drove him to the brink of insanity, and finally understand just how sweet she was. And as he kissed her, his hand travelled right back down to that sweetness, and to her hot, quivering entrance, before Sebastian slowly sunk his finger inside, never taking his eyes off of her face.

Unlike the way Sebastian had been lapping and rubbing her, he truly penetrated Clora this time, watching her with hooded eyes as she realized, as well. She jolted as he entered her, though he quickly pulled out, repeating the motion over and over as slick, sloppy sounds squelched from between her legs with the pump of his finger.

Clora looked down, biting her lip at the lewd noises as Sebastian continued to slowly and shallowly bring his finger in and out, and in contrast to her embarrassment, the noises only made Sebastian’s mind go blank and his breathing come out in short, ragged exhales as he listened intently; at the sound of his finger exiting and entering Clora and her own slickness that aided it, and he began to move his finger in even deeper.

Though despite being in the process of currently doing so, Sebastian didn’t want to put any of his fingers inside Clora—at least, not yet. Because he wanted himself to be the first thing to enter her. Him, and not anything else. But he also knew that what he was currently doing was for the best, so as to better prepare Clora for him in earnest.

And that belief was only reinforced once Sebastian truly began to sink his finger more deeply inside of her, and once he properly felt just how tight and unrelenting Clora was around his finger. Just the discovery alone reduced Sebastian’s breathing to strangled hitches as he felt it—felt her—and watched the way she trembled, and felt the way she clenched.

Sebastian already knew he could get rather jealous and possessive when it came to Clora, but he’d truly reached a new height in that moment. Because Sebastian was currently jealous of himself—jealous that it was his finger that was currently inside of Clora and feeling her wet, overwhelming heat squeeze all around it, and felt her ridges clamp down as she tightened to brace herself.

And feeling that on his finger only made Sebastian even more impatient, realizing he could be feeling the same exact thing somewhere else if he truly wanted—somewhere much better—and Sebastian realized that he didn’t own a single belonging that he wouldn’t give away in an instant if it meant he could feel that same sticky tightness of Clora’s grip all around him in earnest right then and there, rather than just on his lucky digit.

Though it also reminded Sebastian that it was a good thing he was taking so much time in getting her ready. Because if just feeling deep within Clora and feeling her clench around his finger drove him mad, and forced Sebastian to come to terms with just how depraved and greedy and vile he would no doubt be with her if she let him, then he could only imagine what he would be like when he was finally inside of her.

“You’re so beautiful,” Sebastian cooed at her for the umpteenth time as he hovered over her, drinking in her whimpers and watching her face as he continued to slowly move and wriggle his finger in and out of her. “Does it hurt?”

“N-no…” Clora shook her head, though it was slightly hesitant. “No, I’m alright.”

Sebastian nodded, taking that as a cue to prepare yet another finger. Because he was certainly bigger than his fingers, let alone just one of them, and he needed to make sure she was as ready for him as possible.

“I’m going to put in another,” he warned her softly, looking tenderly at her profile as she nodded and bit her lip, and the both of them held their breaths as Sebastian teased his index finger outside of her entrance, coaxing it in slowly to join the first.

Before Sebastian had even gotten the second one halfway, however, Clora sucked in a sharp breath as she flinched beneath him, her arms yanking against her bindings as she did so.

“Does it hurt?” he asked again, low and gentle, and when Clora nodded slightly and bit down hard on her lip, Sebastian felt both bad, and felt a slight thrill. And then, he felt bad at the slight thrill.

Because if one finger and not even half of Sebastian’s second was too much for her, and was barely able to sink inside of her, then what might it feel like for him? How tight would she feel around his length, and his girth, instead of just his fingers, which already barely seemed to fit?

But Sebastian cleared the thought away with a ragged, steadying intake of breath as he refocused and looked down to Clora. The whole purpose of what he was currently doing was to stretch her beforehand, and to prepare her, and to make sure he fit.

So Sebastian rubbed her nub in tantalizing little circles with the palm of his hand once again as he attempted to pleasure Clora, and relax her, and ease his second finger in further. He pulled it out briefly, sliding it along the surface of her slicked entrance to slather it in her own liquid, before sinking it back in and repeating the process, a little further each time.

And then Sebastian managed to slip it in just past his knuckle, delving in more easily thanks to both her wetness around his finger, and his continued and gentle movements as he rubbed and soothed her.

But Clora still jerked again with a sharp gasp, and Sebastian flattened his mouth when he saw it.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured lovingly against her hair as he leaned close and continued to rub her in apology, focusing only on her pleasure and not on moving his fingers any deeper for the time being. “But I have to. This is for you.”

“I know,” Clora panted, her breaths shallow, looking as disheveled and ravished as Sebastian had ever seen her as she squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m okay.”

“Just a little more,” Sebastian reassured, rubbing her and coaxing her stubborn little entrance to be more accepting as he continued to move in small circles over that sensitive bundle. And when he felt her relax and give slightly once again, Sebastian successfully pushed his finger in the rest of the way.

“Ah—!” Clora gasped, her bound arms jerking as Sebastian held his fingers there inside of her, his chest heaving above her as he watched her with dark, sleepy eyes.

“That’s it,” he murmured, too distracted by the intoxicating expression on Clora’s face as she threw her head back, and too distracted by the way she squeezed around his fingers to register her discomfort. Though Sebastian quickly refocused, his attention solely on Clora’s enjoyment once again as he swirled her little nub in wet circles with his thumb, simply letting his other two fingers remain inside of her, mostly unmoving, but hopefully still helping to stretch and prepare her for what was soon about to happen.

Whatever slight pain Clora had felt at his penetration quickly fell to the wayside as Sebastian began rubbing against that bundle once more, and she again lifted her hips up as he moved against her, whimpering in protest at his slow and teasingly languid circles as he watched her.

Clora met his dark eyes with her bleary blue ones, and as she panted and gasped and looked up at him, Sebastian desperately brought his mouth down, sealing her laboured, open-mouthed breathing with a wet kiss as he plunged his tongue in her mouth, swallowing Clora’s muffled moans as he continued moving his thumb faster and faster.

Clora made desperate and high-pitched noises against Sebastian’s messy and wet kiss as he picked up the pace, finally giving her what she wanted as he rubbed and pressed both his thumb and his palm more harshly against her, and Clora moaned as she ground upwards even further into him. And Sebastian moaned, too, because he could feel her twitching and clamping around his fingers in her ecstasy as she arched her back.

And sunken into her heat as he was, Sebastian felt every twitch and every tremor as they became more and more frequent, and so he abruptly stopped, causing a breathless whine to escape from Clora that almost sounded like a sob.

“Sebastian,” she protested weakly, struggling against her binds as though she were attempting to reach down and take over in his stead. “Why—why did you stop?”

He didn’t answer and opted to unbind her from the headboard instead, because he was done with his mouth and fingers, and she would find out why he’d stopped very soon regardless. Sebastian was tired of waiting—he couldn’t wait—especially not when Clora had been about to reach her own release thanks to his fingers.

And Sebastian refused to have Clora reach the end like that. Because if what was currently and painfully straining within his trousers couldn’t be the first thing to ever penetrate her, then it would at least be the first thing to ever feel her as she climaxed. And so Sebastian carefully slipped his fingers out of Clora, watching her taut muscles relax as he did so, and he lifted himself up from her to finally divest himself of the last of his own garments.

However much Clora’s muscles eased upon having Sebastian’s fingers exit her immediately tensed back up again as she watched him undress the rest of the way, the reality of the situation once again settling in.

Sebastian turned to her after shucking off his clothes and letting them drop to the floor, fully undressed now, and Clora couldn’t help but immediately clamp her legs shut as she stared at him.

Because seeing it in the flesh—seeing him in the flesh—was nothing like she’d ever seen in any sort of anatomical graph, or chart, or model, or structure. It was bigger, and angrier looking, and certainly much more alive looking. And, it looked as though it would hurt.

Sebastian watched Clora quietly as she took him in, his heart pumping as her eyes widened and stared straight at him, at how stiff and painfully hard he was, pointing almost straight at the ceiling.

And while it was thrilling to have her finally set her eyes on him and his naked desire for her—both literally and figuratively—when Clora quickly and protectively closed her legs, Sebastian wasn’t sure whether he was upset by the reaction, or flattered by it.

Though, the renewed throbbing he felt answered that question for him, and Sebastian hoped Clora didn’t notice the way he twitched under her gaze.

At that moment, part of Sebastian almost wished he were smaller, for her sake, and for her comfort. To make it easier, and to make it less frightening. He didn’t have any others to compare his own size to, but Sebastian nonetheless felt rather large at that moment, especially compared to his two fingers, and especially compared to Clora, and how small and tight she was.

But part of him was also glad he wasn’t smaller. Because Sebastian didn’t truly want it to be that easy for Clora to take him. He wanted to see her gasp as he entered her, and to hear her moan as she took in his full length, and to feel as his entire size stretched her. To hear her cry out because of him, and for her to feel and be aware of just how full of him she was about to be.

“What’s the matter?” Sebastian asked gently, despite knowing exactly what the matter was as he crawled back over her slowly, and he could practically see the outline of her heart as it hammered in her chest.

“S-seeing it in person is different,” Clora squeaked simply, and Sebastian only smiled lightly in both amusem*nt and adoration as he brought himself down to kiss her neck.

“Don’t worry,” he reassured, moving his hand up to cup her chest as he groped her slowly, gliding his hand down her curves soon after. “You’ll be fine, so long as you relax.”

Clora exhaled a shaky breath at his touches as she nodded rigidly, the complete opposite of relaxed, and Sebastian couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath to see it.

“It will be okay, I promise,” he kissed her. “You just have to trust me.”

“I do,” Clora replied immediately despite her trepidation and her nervousness, and Sebastian’s heart squeezed at that as he leaned in to gently kiss her, gliding his hand up and down from her narrow waist to the swell of her hips, marvelling once again at her perfect hourglass form.

All of Sebastian’s movements were slow and careful as he settled between her legs, as though not to scare her and make her skitter off like a scared animal as he brought himself down on top of her.

The feeling of his bare skin and chest and stomach pressing down onto Clora’s was already enough to make him groan as he began to kiss her more deeply, and he felt Clora go rigid once again when she noticed what was currently resting hard between her legs.

Sebastian shuddered at the feeling, unable to resist rubbing himself up and down, breathing hard against Clora’s face as he watched her head loll back with his motions. He was nestled between her folds as he slid up and down, and Sebastian could feel her coating him, adding to the lubricant that was already leaking out of him in his desperate desire for her.

He didn’t do that for very long, though, considering grinding against Clora even fully clothed had nearly spelled the end for him on more than one occasion, and so Sebastian soon brought himself back up, positioning himself on his knees and between her legs as he looked down at her.

Clora returned his gaze as she looked up at him, her arms above her head and grabbing at the sheets as she chewed on her still-swollen lips, his for the taking whenever he wanted, and Sebastian took a steadying, heaving breath as he gripped his girth in preparation.

“Tell me now if you don’t want this,” he breathed, his voice coming out with a slight shake due to the anticipation, and the disbelief, and everything else. And part of Sebastian was almost worried he would finish right then and there, poised to enter her, just from the strength of his longing alone and from finally seeing Clora under him, laid out, open and ready to accept him, and Sebastian once again felt himself throb impatiently in his own grip.

She didn’t answer right away, and Sebastian almost regretted asking if she still wanted it—still wanted him—because he was afraid of the answer, and that it might be a no. But he had to ask, so he simply waited for her, gazing down at her with such a piercing longing as he waited with both bated and uneven breaths for her answer.

Clora nervously stared at the part of him that was poised and ready to enter her for a moment longer, before she brought her eyes away from it and its trajectory to look up at Sebastian’s face instead. And then, she nodded.

“I do,” she whispered, reaching for him and gently gripping his forearm that was braced beside her, holding him over her. “I want you, Sebastian.”

Sebastian let out a torn, ragged breath at her words, throbbing painfully in his hand as he nodded in return and lined himself up, Clora’s grip on his forearm tightening as he did so.

“I’ll try to be gentle,” he murmured, though the dark and low tone of his voice betrayed his headspace as he stared down at where their bodies were about to connect, and Sebastian felt Clora’s thighs stiffen and quiver on either side of him as he nestled the head of his desire right at her hot, wet entrance.

He hadn’t even entered her at all yet, but Clora still bit her lip and whimpered as she clutched at the sheets to brace herself, and Sebastian took a ragged breath as he inched his hips forward ever so slightly, just enough to part her folds.

“Oh, Clora…” Sebastian half-breathed, half-moaned as he stared down and trembled with restraint, fighting the primal urge to simply thrust wildly into her, his eyes deep and dark with all of his built up, bottomless desire as he took in the sight of them. The sight of them nearly conjoined, about to enter her, so close. So close to the point of no return, and it made Sebastian short of breath to see it—at himself, thick and throbbing and right outside of Clora’s wetness and her heat, ready to swallow him whole at any moment, and all he had to do was push.

With one hand still outstretched and bracing himself over her, Sebastian used his other to grip her leg and hold her apart as he finally, finally began easing himself forward, slowly, past her parted folds and further beyond, a throaty groan escaping him as he felt himself begin to sink into Clora, and her heat, so hot and tight as she completely enveloped his tip.

The view of him beginning to enter her was intoxicating, but so was her body as she arched for him, and her voice as she whimpered, and her face as she flushed and panted. Sebastian wanted to look at them both at the same time: both at her body as she opened for him and accepted him and surrendered to him, but also at her face as she did so, and the way she reacted to being filled as her eyes squeezed shut, and her mouth fell open.

Clora was tight, so tight, and Sebastian shuddered and grunted as he managed to push himself even further. Though that’s when he stopped, less than halfway in. Because Clora was still too tight, and she grit her teeth beneath him, both of them making strangled noises as their chests rapidly rose and fell, their minds and bodies each coming to terms with the fact that Sebastian was, at least partially, finally inside of her.

“Clora,” Sebastian groaned in both desire and desperation, wanting so badly to just force himself in the rest of the way. To mercilessly slam his hips forward and piston in and out of her, and to feel the extent of her tight little entrance completely around him. Because the few inches that he’d managed so far was only torturing him, and he breathed raggedly as he attempted to form a coherent sentence. “You have to relax. I’ve done everything I can. Just…let me in.”

“I know,” Clora choked out quickly, sounding as though all the air had been pushed out of her, and perhaps it had been. “I’m—I’m trying to.”

But Sebastian could still feel her taut and tense beneath him and around him, the delicious depths of her entrance remaining sealed off to him as she clenched and braced herself, and Sebastian felt his nostrils flare as he took a deep, steadying breath, trying to center himself as he leaned down over Clora, willing himself to be patient, and to keep the desperate hunger out of his voice.

“It’s alright,” he soothed, bringing himself down to lie flat on top of her so that the heated, sticky flesh of their stomachs and their chests were flush right against each other, moving in tandem with every heavy breath. Sebastian kissed her, softly and gently, easing her worries and hopefully distracting Clora from the impatient, throbbing intruder at her entrance as he moved down to her neck.

He felt his actions work slightly when Clora’s rigid muscles began to ease with his kiss, and so Sebastian continued his efforts in calming her by bringing one of his hands back down between her legs, once again rubbing her in slow, gentle circles to coax her open for him.

Clora arched slightly beneath him at the touch, and the movement allowed Sebastian a little further inside of her as he groaned in pleasure, drowning out her own breathless cry.

“That’s it…” Sebastian brought his hand back up, planting both of his forearms on either side of Clora’s head, holding himself up to watch her while he pressed his hips down between her legs and continued to submerge himself in her heat, watching her face both lovingly and intensely as he felt himself sink in further and further. “…Take it all…”

Clora grunted, and the sound—so different from her usual squeaks and whimpers—made Sebastian throb all over again as he took in the effect he had on her; the way both her and her body accommodated to his size, and she grabbed up at his chest, her own heaving as she dug her nails into him.

And whereas before Clora’s taut clenching had been keeping him out, now that Sebastian had relaxed her enough in order to get himself halfway in, that tight squeeze was now pulling him in, her hot sticky tightness sucking and swallowing him further, gripping all around him, and Sebastian moaned and buckled as he felt himself going deeper and deeper, kissing her messily and feverishly as he went.

“Gh—Sebastian—!” Clora gasped as she felt him conquer more of her, making another guttural sounding noise as she did so, and Sebastian only groaned unevenly in response to it.

“Just a bit more…” he breathed rapidly and tenderly in encouragement, his eyes dazed with both lust and love as he stared down at her, and felt how she quivered helplessly beneath him as her sweetest spot surrendered to him, and how she gasped for breath and her eyelashes fluttered as he continued to slowly feed himself in.

And then Sebastian rolled his hips forward in one quick movement, groaning over Clora’s cry of surprise as he finally plunged all the way into her, burying himself within her deepest depths and to the absolute hilt as he bottomed out.

He panted heavily on top of her as she whimpered beneath him, and Sebastian groaned again when he felt her walls continue to squeeze him, so tight and hot and trembling all around his entire throbbing length, and he feverishly kissed her panting, open mouth.

“There you go…” Sebastian smoothed Clora’s hair as he kissed her temple, his breaths ragged and heavy as he remained unmoving and soaking within her. She still braced herself, her heat continuing to grip him more tightly than he’d ever dreamed, and both of them remained still as they simply adjusted, getting used to the feeling of being filled, and filling.

“You’re perfect, Clora…” Sebastian whispered reverently as he continued to kiss her and somehow held off on moving as he trailed his lips from her temple, to the corner of her eye where he felt slight moisture, and then to her jaw. “Merlin, just look at you...”

At that, Clora finally opened her eyes to gaze up at him, flushed and dazed and looking like a goddess with her golden hair spread all around her on the white sheets. Though as their eyes met, the glossy sheen over her blues confirmed a suspicion of Sebastian’s, and he cupped her face, wiping away a stray tear with his thumb.

“Does it hurt?” he murmured, continuing to rub his thumb along her cheek in repeated, soothing motions.

Clora, perhaps not even realizing that she’d begun to tear up, quickly brought up her own trembling hand to wipe her eyes as she shook her head and blinked.

“…It’s more of a…pressure,” she attempted to explain, and Sebastian couldn’t help but crack a smile at the sudden and familiar shift to her tone, sounding as though she were about to explain what she was currently feeling as though it were a lesson, just like with those blasted dittanies. “It does hurt a little, but…it’s also good. I…I like the feeling.”

Sebastian felt himself throb impatiently at her description, since he’d very much like to put even more pressure on her, and in her. And, more darkly, he also wanted to continue so that he could render Clora once again incapable of proper speech, let alone such a composed sentence.

Though, at least his previous thought on dittanies managed to remind Sebastian of a rather pressing piece of information.

“Before we continue, there’s something you need to know,” Sebastian started, his voice serious as he looked down at her. “I’ve been taking a certain…potion, in preparation for this moment. So that I might enjoy you as much as possible,” he explained evenly, meeting her eyes without a shred of hesitation. “Because once I start, I don’t plan on leaving you until I’m completely finished.”

Clora pursed her lips shyly at how blunt his words were, though soon popped them back open as it clicked. “The mint,” she realized, and Sebastian was once again grateful that she was so studious, and that he wouldn’t need to explain it to her. “…That was so long ago.”

“And I’ve been waiting even longer,” Sebastian informed her bluntly, intertwining his hands through one of hers as he pressed it into the bed. “Longer than you know.”

Clora bit her lip, her cheeks freshly red, and Sebastian kept his eyes locked firmly on her face as he finally began to move.

He immediately felt Clora clench around him as he rocked his hips into hers—as if she’d just remembered that he was inside of her—and Sebastian let out a throaty groan as he practically toppled on top of her, pressing his hips hard against hers and forcing her legs even further apart as he pressed down and delved all the way inside, listening as she gasped and moaned right beside his ear.

Sebastian knew once he truly started that he wouldn’t be gentle or slow with Clora, but he’d still planned to at least try. Though any stake he had on his self-control vanished in an instant as he began moving in earnest, pounding into her mercilessly and desperately, savouring her gasps and whimpers in response to his deep thrusts as she quivered underneath him and squeezed all around him.

“Clora…You feel…” Sebastian panted as he struggled to speak, his voice cracking as another groan rumbled out of him. “You’re so tight, and warm…” he shuddered, bucking his hips rapidly and thrusting her further and further up on the bed with every rough, unrelenting pump into her. “…God—I can feel you all around me…”

The only response Clora had for Sebastian was an uneven moan that got caught in her throat as she bobbed up and down in time with his deep, forceful plunges. She grabbed everywhere that she could as she threw her head back—at him, his shoulders, his back, clawing at both him and then at the sheets.

“I’m sorry if—if I’m hurting you…I can’t—” Sebastian cut himself off with a heated string of curses as he gathered Clora’s hands above her head, keeping both of her little wrists trapped in only one of his hands and restraining her while his other went low, gripping her hip to grant him more leverage as he continued to hastily thrust into her, grunting and moaning her name all the while. “You’re—you’re amazing…”

Clora’s cries were from both pain and pleasure, though the pleasure still handily beat out the former as Sebastian frantically drove into her, completely lost in his frenzy of desire and hunger for her, rubbing her in intoxicating places that she didn’t know existed.

Sebastian pressed himself down and into Clora as hard as he could, sandwiching her powerlessly between him and the bed, their sweaty flesh sticking and sealing their bodies together even more as the satisfying pressure of his weight trapped her there beneath him, barely allowing her to move.

Sebastian was everywhere—from his forceful mouth on hers as his tongue also demanded entrance inside of her, to his pulsing length and girth that was so satisfyingly deep inside of her, stretching Clora to accept all of him. And as Sebastian held her down and at his mercy, each ravenous pump not only filled Clora beyond comprehension, but also ground and rubbed against her sweetest spot, the overwhelming combination of both sensations nearly making her sob.

“S-Sebastian—!” she cried, her voice hitching and uneven as she continued to bounce with his brutal movements. “Ah—I—!”

“What is it?” Sebastian panted and pulled back only slightly to look at her with dark satisfaction, their sweaty skin separating with a sticky pull as he stared down at Clora beneath him, watching both her and her breasts as they bounced with his thrusts, along with her legs that also bounced helplessly on either side of him with his movements.

“What are you feeling?” he whispered hotly, snaking his arms around her back as he continued staring at her flushed and pitiful face. “I want to hear you say it.”

But unlike before, when Clora had been able to rather eloquently and calmly describe how it had felt for Sebastian to enter her, now she only opened and closed her mouth a few times, her already unintelligible sentences cut off every time he thrusted, interrupted by the hitching of her breath, or her gasp, or a whimper.

Sebastian only watched and listened hungrily at how she reacted to him, bringing his lips down to plant a ravenous kiss on her mouth, their bodies connected in every possible way now: from their skin sticking together, to him so deep inside of her, and now his mouth sealed messily over hers.

Though with Sebastian’s thrusts and the jerking of his body, their mouths weren’t able to stay sealed for long, and they merely gasped into each other’s open mouths, before Sebastian moved wetly to her chest and neck, taking in as much of her hot flesh as he could as he bit her and kissed her and did everything in between.

It was most likely thanks to him entertaining the fantasy of this very moment so many times—both physically and mentally—that Sebastian was able to last as long as he had so far. But he could feel himself nearing the edge, and he gathered Clora tightly in his arms as he continued to grind between her legs and down onto the bed.

And as Sebastian snaked his arms around Clora, holding her shoulder blades and then the back of her head, he felt her hairclip—his hairclip. And as he felt it, Sebastian unwrapped his other arm from her, sliding his hand into her left palm and pressing it into the bed, feeling the engagement ring that he’d only just recently put on her finger, officially announcing her as his.

Because Clora was his, utterly and completely, in every sense of the word. Not only filled by him on the inside, but on the outside too, completely naked and wearing only what Sebastian had given her, whether it be his hairclip or his ring or his marks. And the realization alone made Sebastian pick up the pace as he rammed himself between her legs with renewed speed and desperate, quaking ruts.

“I’m almost—I can’t hold it…” Sebastian ground out as he gasped into the crook of her neck, cutting himself off with a breathless groan as he continued pumping into her, and continued clutching the hairclip behind her head. “I’m…going to fill you, Clora. Completely,” he grunted—nearly growled—as he clutched her ringed-hand harder and pressed both it and her more roughly and powerfully into the bed. “Say it…say that you want all of me…”

“I do,” Clora nearly wailed, her breaths ragged and short. “I—I want it…I want to feel you fill me up entirely, Sebastian…” she gasped, finally opening her eyes to blearily look up at him. “To be completely full of you…”

A loud, throaty groan tore out of Sebastian as he pressed himself down, squishing his flesh flat and hard against her, his instincts taking over as he exited Clora almost entirely, but only so that he could roll his hips forward in one forceful thrust, burying and plunging himself as deep and as hard inside of her as he could possibly go, groaning over her wails.

“Say that you’re mine,” he gasped out in ragged breaths, his eyes half-open as he watched her writhe beneath him, and listened to her whimper. “Only I can do this to you…no other man will ever see this, or ever feel this…only I—” Sebastian stopped to grit his teeth as a powerful shudder rolled through him, so close to the end, but Clora still nodded.

“I’m yours, Sebastian,” she moaned, intoxicated by his overwhelming intoxication as she clutched onto him for dear life with her free hand, while he continued to press her left into the bed. “I’m yours…only yours…”

The combination of Sebastian’s overflowing ecstasy and desire and frantic movements as he rutted into her and rubbed against her finally pushed Clora over the edge herself, and she threw her head back as she attempted to arch under Sebastian’s unforgiving weight, and she brought her legs up soon after, wrapping them around his hips as both her legs and her insides squeezed tightly around him.

Sebastian only choked out a strangled, tortured noise as he buckled under the intensity of Clora’s climax and felt her legs pull him in even deeper, her throbbing core clenching and pulsing and twitching around him, and he stared down at her, open mouthed and panting as Clora continued to throw her head back, crying out and wailing his name all the while.

Sebastian let out a shuddering, long groan as he inevitably followed, forcing himself into Clora so roughly that her legs unlocked from their tight hold around him, his hips jerking and twitching as he pressed himself deeper and exploded inside of her. The intensity of his climax made Sebastian’s entire body rock and quake as he collapsed with a desperate and ragged moan on top of her, grabbing her hips and squishing her flesh tightly to him, keeping himself buried within her as far as he could go as torrenting ropes of his hot release erupted out of him to flood inside her, filling her completely.

Clora’s body trembled weakly beneath Sebastian’s as she felt him burst deep inside of her, his hips stuttering and pumping between her limp legs as they both rode out the ecstasy of their respective aftershocks. Clora’s walls still tightly quivered and clenched around Sebastian, and he grunted her name through grit teeth as she milked and squeezed him for every last drop, his length pulsing and throbbing as the final spurts of his seed continued to shoot inside of her with erratic bucks of his hips, until he was completely spent and drained.

Neither of them moved as they caught their breaths, Clora’s chest heaving with some difficulty underneath Sebastian as he lay with nearly all of his weight on top of her, their flesh still stuck together and only separating due to the rapid movements of their breathing.

Sebastian recovered first, turning his head from where it had been buried in the crook of Clora’s neck to look at her, and admire her flushed profile, before he lifted himself up more fully to get a better look at her.

She was absolutely ravaged, her mouth open and her eyes mostly closed as they fluttered, and Sebastian leaned forward to kiss any little teardrops that he found hidden in her lashes.

“Clora,” her name was loving and tender and reverent on Sebastian’s lips as he brought himself down, keeping warm inside of her as he wrapped his arms around her and continued to kiss her. “I love you so much,” he breathed heavily, though Clora only remained looking blearily up at the ceiling as she gathered herself.

Sebastian didn’t mind though—in fact, seeing that he’d reduced her to such a state only satisfied him—and so he continued kissing her unbothered, murmuring words of his love as he put his lips to her chin, then to her jaw, and then to the corner of her eye to catch any more tears, and then peppered them along her face to kiss away any beads of sweat.

They stayed like that for a while, Clora dazed and fuzzy and catching her breath while Sebastian murmured and kissed her affectionately, remaining deep inside her all the while and secretly smug at the current outcome.

“How was that for you?” Sebastian asked tentatively after however many more minutes, once Clora’s chest had stopped heaving so much, and once her eyes didn’t look quite so fuzzy. “I only hope it was half as good for you as it was for me.”

Clora brought her arms up, wrapping them around Sebastian’s shoulders as he leaned in for another kiss at her neck. “I-It was good,” she breathed, still staring up intently at the ceiling in wonder. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so…thoughtless.”

Sebastian couldn’t help but bark a laugh as he grinned at her, pulling away from her neck. “You? Thoughtless?” he teased, raising his eyebrows. “Rendering the most overactive, overthinking Ravenclaw in the entire world thoughtless has to be the best compliment I could’ve hoped for.”

Clora laughed breathlessly, tightening her grip on his shoulders as he leaned in for a proper kiss against her lips. And then Sebastian leaned back to look down at where they were still connected, down to where his release was still oozing out of her.

And that was just what he could see. Sebastian looked to Clora’s stomach then, to her abdomen, wondering what it looked like from the inside, where he was still buried. He glided his hands along her flat stomach in reverence, tracing over where her womb would be, his breathing becoming ragged again at the knowledge that his seed had indeed filled her, seeping into her even as he remained inside of her.

Sebastian knew it was for the best that he’d been taking the potion that made him no longer potent, and he also knew that both him and Clora were absolutely not ready for children, seeing as they were still in school. But Sebastian still couldn’t help but lament it—lament the fact that the seed he’d spilled into her wouldn’t be taking root in her no doubt fertile womb. That she wouldn’t swell with him, and because of him, and truly, truly become his.

Letting out a shaky exhale, Sebastian finally pulled out of her, and he looked down. Looked to see the proof of his claim, still inside of Clora and pouring out of her, and Sebastian couldn’t help the lustful groan that escaped him as he saw it, and what he’d done to her.

He leaned forward to kiss her, and Clora gasped in both shock and disbelief as she felt Sebastian’s revived arousal, hard and throbbing against her skin once more. “Already…?”“You didn’t think we were done for the night, did you?” he murmured against her jaw as he kissed a path from there to her ear, leaning back to ready himself at her entrance once more. “I said I’d fill you completely, and I meant it.”

Clora made a noise in response that Sebastian had never heard from her before—a little noise caught between a pitiful whimper, and a desperate, wanting moan—and Sebastian nearly went mad with desire upon hearing it.

“You’re insatiable,” Clora shuddered as she watched him position himself between her legs again, clutching at the sheets in preparation.

“Maybe. But I say we’d need to do some more experimenting to truly find out,” Sebastian suggested easily as he leaned forward to kiss her. “And as the hardworking and studious Ravenclaw that you are, I trust you’d be willing to assist me in such an endeavor?”

Clora laughed once again underneath him. “Well, so long as it’s for knowledge.”“Oh, but of course,” Sebastian teased back, kissing her smile as he once again returned to her warmth—a warmth that he already knew would not satiate him, and that would always only leave him wanting more.

The Raven and the Snake - choccymilky (2024)


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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.