[Top 10] Warframe Best Railjack Weapons That Are Powerful (Latest Patch: Angels of Zarman) And How To Get Them (2024)

Big ships need big guns. And in Warframe, the Railjack is one of the biggest ships there are. Requiring an entire crew to pilot, fight, and repair, playing with Railjacks is unlike any other spaceship type game I’ve ever played or seen (comment down below if you know of any similar multiplayer spaceship gameplay mechanics in other games ‘cause I’d love to give them a shot).

But sharing a ship with a crew means you need the great equipment and weapons to satisfy their bloodlust enjoyment in the game. You’d want the other players of your ship to be able to use your ship’s weapon systems to the fullest.

Each Railjack has several weapon systems, there are the turrets, the ordnance, and the forward artillery.

Of these, the turrets offer the most variation. It is generally considered that the Vidar and Zetki variants are the best; with Zetki offering more damage at the cost of overheating faster. For the sake of this list, I will suggest both variants for the turrets, it’s up to you to decide if you want to go for better damage (Zetki) or better efficiency (Vidar).

So without any further ado here’s a list of the best armaments you can outfit onto the Railjack:

10. Vidar/Zetki Apoc Mk III (Turret)


[Top 10] Warframe Best Railjack Weapons That Are Powerful (Latest Patch: Angels of Zarman) And How To Get Them (1)
The better version of the OG turret.

Surprised to see the starter turret make it to the list? Well, the Mk III Vidar and Zetki variants are actually pretty decent weapons and are worth giving a shot if you don’t have anything better yet.

Plus, it’s the weapon you start out with so you should be used to how it works, it’ll just have a better overall damage output than the first Apoc.

What Vidar/Zetki Apoc Mk III excels at:

  • Blasting out criticals:

The Vidar variant has a critical chance of 28% while the Zetki has 30%. Both are amazing stats that can allow you to consistently land critical hits.

  • Spraying and praying:

You got a rapid-fire weapon with infinite ammo, and quick reload speed. Go wild and let loose with it. You know you want to.

How to get Vidar/Zetki Apoc Mk III:

Here are the ships that drop the blueprints for this Railjack armament (for both Vidar and Zetki versions) and as well as the drop percentages:



Vidar/Zetki Apoc Mk III Details

9. Vidar/Zetki Laith Mk III (Turret)


[Top 10] Warframe Best Railjack Weapons That Are Powerful (Latest Patch: Angels of Zarman) And How To Get Them (2)
Rule the vacuum of space with this.

The Laith is a turret that I feel is similar to the Quartakk primary weapon. For those of you unfamiliar, the Quartakk shoots multiple bullets simultaneously (like a shotgun round with no spread). The Laith fires 8 packed pieces of shrapnel.

Due to its nature, each shot from the Laith packs a punch and it’s best used to take out stronger enemies compared to the other turrets which are more useful against swarms.

What Vidar/Zetki Laith Mk III excels at:

  • Close range combat:

The Laith has a limited effective range meaning that it’s most effective when used up close and personal.

  • Criticals:

With the Vidar version having a 39% critical chance and the Zetki having 24%, you’ll be able to take out high priority targets without having to rely on your ordnance and Tunguska cannon too much.

How to get Vidar/Zetki Laith Mk III:

Here are the ships that drop the blueprints for this Railjack armament (for both Vidar and Zetki versions) and as well as the drop percentages:



Vidar/Zetki Laith Mk III Details

8. Vidar/Zetki Glazio Mk III (Turret)

Snowball shooter 5000

Nothing embodies the coldness of space better than smashing icebergs into enemy ships. The Glazio is a slow-firing auto-cannon that launches icy projectiles with insane critical capabilities.

This weapon also has incredible range so it makes for a decent sniper, it doesn’t fire hit-scan projectiles though so it takes some aiming skills to effectively use the Glazio in long-range engagements.

What Vidar/Zetki Glazio Mk III excels at:

  • Once again, crits:

The Vidar version’s 47% is already amazing but the Zetki’s 50% is the highest critical chance among all turrets. Every version of Glazio also has a 2.5x critical multiplier This makes the Glazio the king of criticals among turrets.

  • Sniping:

Aside from being a long-ranged, crit-dealing beast, the Glazio also has a very high base damage (second among the turrets only to the Cryophon) allowing it to take out ships with minimal amounts of shots and from a distance.

How to get Vidar/Zetki Glazio Mk III:

Here are the ships that drop the blueprints for this Railjack armament (for both Vidar and Zetki versions) and as well as the drop percentages:



Vidar/Zetki Glazio Mk III Details

7. Vidar/Zetki Talyn Mk III (Turret)


[Top 10] Warframe Best Railjack Weapons That Are Powerful (Latest Patch: Angels of Zarman) And How To Get Them (4)
Unleash a never ending wave of bullets with the Talyn.

Get your Tie/X Wing fighter fix with the Talyn high-speed turret. It takes a little time, as it has to spool-up first before reaching its max fire rate, but when it gets there, get ready to unleash heat.

Figuratively and literally. The Talyn deals heat damage so melt your enemies to scrap. For the empir- I mean, for the Lotus!

What Vidar/Zetki Talyn Mk III excels at:

  • Rapid fire:

Once fully spooled, the Talyn has the fastest fire rate among Railjack turrets with a fire rate of 16.67 shots per second.

  • Making use of NPC crewmen:

Since the Talyn’s bullets are hit-scan, your NPC crewmen can use them effectively and be able to land pretty much every shot they fire.

  • Searing ships:

The Vidar and Zetki versions have a status chance of 20% and 30% respectively. Combine that with the lightning-fast fire rate, and you're going to be causing a lot of the Sear status effect that comes with the Railjack Fire-type damage. The Sear status effect deals damage over time.

How to get Vidar/Zetki Talyn Mk III:

Here are the ships that drop the blueprints for this Railjack armament (for both Vidar and Zetki versions) and as well as the drop percentages:



Vidar/Zetki Talyn Mk III Details

6. Vidar/Zetki Pulsar Mk III (Turret)


[Top 10] Warframe Best Railjack Weapons That Are Powerful (Latest Patch: Angels of Zarman) And How To Get Them (5)
Even the Tenno enjoy their pewpews.

One of the highest effective-range turrets in the game, the Pulsar is best placed in the hands of your NPC crew. Watch them destroy ships from afar with ease and efficiency.

The Pulsar is also effective in confusing the enemies with the Scramble status effect (from electric damage) which causes ships to lose control of their movements and stop firing.

What Vidar/Zetki Pulsar Mk III excels at:

  • “Stunning” effects:

The Vidar and Zetki versions have an impressive status chance of 19% and 29% respectively. This will make triggering the Scramble status effect a breeze.

  • Turning crewmen into aimbots:

The Pulsar’s shots are hit-scan which means it’s great in the hands of your crew who’ll almost never miss with it even with long-range shots.

How to get Vidar/Zetki Pulsar Mk III:

Here are the ships that drop the blueprints for this Railjack armament (for both Vidar and Zetki versions) and as well as the drop percentages:



Vidar/Zetki Pulsar Mk III Details

5. Vidar/Zetki Vort Mk III (Turret)


[Top 10] Warframe Best Railjack Weapons That Are Powerful (Latest Patch: Angels of Zarman) And How To Get Them (6)
Unleashwave after waveof death with the Vort.

One of the more unusual turrets in Warframe. The Vort fires slow-moving, wide projectiles which seem to contradict the fast-paced nature of the space battles in the game.

But it works… go figure.

Despite being slow, the projectiles have a big enough hitbox for you to not worry about missing your shots.

What Vidar/Zetki Vort Mk III excels at:

  • Crowd control:

The wide shots make dealing with hordes of small ships a way easier task than usual. Surprisingly, the Vort actually has good range. So, just fire in the direction of the multiple boxes that indicate enemy ships.

  • Dealing crits:

The Vidar and Zetki versions have a critical chance of 24% and 26% respectively which are pretty impressive numbers that will allow you to deal critical shots regularly.

  • Dealing status effects:

The Vidar and Zetki versions have a status chance of 20% and 10% respectively. It may not be as great as its critical chances but you should still be able to casually stun your enemies with the Vort’s electric status effect.

How to get Vidar/Zetki Vort Mk III:

Here are the ships that drop the blueprints for this Railjack armament (for both Vidar and Zetki versions) and as well as the drop percentages:



Vidar/Zetki Vort Mk III Details

4. Tycho Seeker Mk III (Ordnance)


[Top 10] Warframe Best Railjack Weapons That Are Powerful (Latest Patch: Angels of Zarman) And How To Get Them (7)
Your enemies aren’t getting away from these heat-seeking babies.

Now we go into the ordnances, there are currently only three types (with three variations each). These armaments are your secondary mode of attack and have limited ammo so they’re best saved for high-priority targets.

The Tycho Seeker is an ordnance that, true to its name, fires homing missiles that can pretty much take out a majority of enemy ships with a single pull of the trigger.

What Tycho Seeker Mk III excels at:

  • Blasting ships to smithereens:

With limited ammo, comes unlimited potential. The Tycho Seeker Mk III deals a jaw-dropping 39,168 Blast damage per shot. It also has a critical chance of 50% which is the highest among all ordnances allowing you to take out heavy targets easily.

  • Chasing down fast-moving ships:

Fighting in space with enemies being able to move however they want in any direction can be confusing and you’ll be losing track of enemy movements a lot if you’re not used to it. This makes the Tycho Seeker’s homing capabilities really useful to chase down enemies you can’t seem to hit.

How to get Tycho Seeker Mk III:

You can research and obtain the Tycho Seeker Mk III Blueprint in the Dry Dock of your clan dojo.

Here’s a quick guide on building a Dojo

Tycho Seeker Mk III Details

3. Tunguska Cannon (Forward Artillery)


[Top 10] Warframe Best Railjack Weapons That Are Powerful (Latest Patch: Angels of Zarman) And How To Get Them (8)
Pierce through the heavens with the mighty Tunguska Cannon!

The only forward artillery in the game, and the only one you should ever need up to the foreseeable future. The Tunguska Cannon fire a shot that takes 4 seconds to charge and will absolutely obliterate any ship that it hits.

It will even take out enemy Crewships which can normally only be destroyed by boarding them and destroying them from the inside.

The Tunguska Cannon has limited ammunition though so it should only be used in emergencies or when your victory is already assured. However, once you’ve reached Engineering rank 5 you will be able to craft more of the Tunguska Cannon’s ammo.

What the Tunguska Cannon excels at:

  • Sniping Crewships and other heavy-duty ships:

This is the Tunguska Cannon’s primary function, to take out ships that can’t be taken down by your ship’s other weapon systems. You should try to save the Tunguska Cannon for this purpose unless you're playing a low-level mission and are just messing around (because why not fire the biggest baddest weapon at a single small enemy fighter?).

How to get Tunguska Cannon:

The Tunguska Cannon comes pre-equipped with the Railjack once you’ve built it.

Here’s a video guide on how to get a Railjack

Tunguska Cannon Details

2. Milati Mk III (Ordnance)


[Top 10] Warframe Best Railjack Weapons That Are Powerful (Latest Patch: Angels of Zarman) And How To Get Them (9)
Don’t fire until you see the shine of their co*ckpits.

The Milati acts as a smaller, more accessible Tunguska Cannon. It has a shorter range and won’t be able to take out Crewships, but in terms of pure damage, the Milati is the next best thing to have. It fires 12 rockets that can wipe out almost anything that’s directly in front of your Railjack.

The Milati doesn’t have the heat-seeking properties of the Tycho Seeker though so you’ll have to get up close and personal to make sure all 12 rockets hit your target.

What Milati Mk III excels at:

  • Destroying high-level ships:

If you can make sure, every rocket finds its mark, the Milati has the highest base damage among all the ordinances. This will allow you to straight-destroy anything short of a Crewship-type enemy.

  • Controlling crowds:

Other than taking out single targets, you could also fire the Milati into a dense cloud of enemies to thin out their numbers.

How to get Milati Mk III:

You can research and obtain the Milati Mk III Blueprint in the Dry Dock of your clan dojo.

Here’s a quick guide on building a Dojo

Milati Mk III Details

1. Vidar/Zetki Photor Mk III (Turret)


[Top 10] Warframe Best Railjack Weapons That Are Powerful (Latest Patch: Angels of Zarman) And How To Get Them (10)
Shields? How boring.

The Photor turret doesn’t have the highest base damage. It doesn’t have the greatest critical or status chance. It doesn't even have the fastest fire-rate. So why is it on top?

The answer lies in a special characteristic this weapon has: Punch Through.

What this means is that shots from the Photor will completely ignore the shields of Corpus Crewships and damage its health directly, allowing you to decommission these high-priority targets faster than normal.

What Vidar/Zetki Photor Mk III excels at:

  • Punching through Corpus ships’ shields:

As stated above, the Photor will bypass shields and damage the ship’s health directly.

  • Landing critical hits:

Despite not being the reason why it’s the best, the Vidar and Zetki variants of the Photor still have the admirable critical chances of 17% and 18% respectively. The Photor also fires fairly fast so you’ll be able to land a lot of critical hits on enemies whose shields are already rendered useless.

How to get Vidar/Zetki Photor Mk III:

Here are the ships that drop the blueprints for this Railjack armament (for both Vidar and Zetki versions) and as well as the drop percentages:



Vidar/Zetki Photor Mk III Details

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[Top 10] Warframe Best Railjack Weapons That Are Powerful (Latest Patch: Angels of Zarman) And How To Get Them (2024)


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